Essential skills to crack the corporate job code

Just when you thought you had it all, the corporate world raised their hiring standards. But here’s a way to crack the code now. Give it your best shot and get hired with these skills. Here are some Essential skills to crack the corporate job code


The corporate world has become more demanding than ever before. You don’t need just the regular set of skills but professional networks like LinkedIn and others are stressing on the importance of pursuing some skills that were in demand in 2014 and have already benefited billions around the world.

Tech dominated skills

A recent report by LinkedIn report revealed that tech skills dominated the list of most important skills. It was also stated that all around the world statistics and data analysis skills were valued the most. In fact, in India and France and even the States, it was distributed and cloud computing skills are high in demand.

Perfect the art of SEO

Experts are also laying stress on the importance of SEO. The reason is pretty simple. It works because you need a strategy to make use of social networks to promote, and employers are now seeking those who know how to use search engine optimization and search engine marketing skills. And then again, it’s not easy to get to if you don’t have great experience.

If you can write, you are there

If you lack basic writing ability, you are not fit for the industry. For instance, there was a time when hiring managers would ignore those grammatically tragic cover letters, badly constructed resumes and poor English. But not anymore.

Computer languages

This is one skill that everyone must master. Common computer languages like C++ and Python are always important for career growth. And today firms are looking for engineers who are not only proficient but are also staying ahead of the rest on the curve on JavaScript.

A strong hand at sales

There’s nothing that compares to mastering the art of the sale. This requires you to know the insides about the qualities of the product you’re selling. If you have the patience to wait on customers as they take time to figure out if your product is something they’re interested in, you’ve got the right skills for any kind of business.

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