Common Bugs Found During Mobile Testing

Common bugs during mobile testing


A bug shows a shortcoming, mistake, or failure in the product/framework being manufactured that produces unexpected outcomes. A bug in the product/framework being created should be followed and fixed.
1) Application-Specific bugs- Business rational of the bug identifies with this type of bug. They may be entirely difficult to recognize so profound application information may truly support you. It is likewise critical to use test cases for such kind of bugs.
2) Platform-specific bugs- Every platform in mobiles (Android, iOS) has its own bugs associated with the manner in which the working framework works.
3) Explicit bugs identified with the essential components of the application design.
We will next look at the most common bugs during mobile testing

The Common Bugs Found During Mobile Testing

Crash After You Tap A Button
This is one of the most common bugs found during mobile testing. This typically happens, particularly with hidden buttons. This is like a period bomb. When you press the activating gadget, the bomb sets off. Normally the activating gadget here is the button inside the application. In the event that you disregard the button, you will hit them. Subsequently, the application will crash.

No progress indicator
It is another common bug found while mobile testing. A progress pointer tells a client that a particular activity is in progress, (for example, when they’re downloading a melody onto their telephone). On the off chance that you don’t have an advancement marker in your application, at that point clients may ceaselessly tap the download or upload button feeling that nothing has occurred.

Portrait and landscape orientation
Assuming, in any case, you conclude that you need your application to be perfect with both, at that point you have to ensure that clients can essentially and effectively switch between the two. This implies when the client changes the application to landscape direction or the other way around, the present condition of the application must be saved.

No error handling
Another key thing to recall is that you ought to consistently show an error to a client. Remember, showing mistakes directly from the server can bring significant data for the software engineer, yet not generally for the end client. So it’s in every case better to show invalid login certifications than 401.

Few Other Types Are As Follows

Specify the input type
The phone will have to present the correct console type always. It may be useful for a client to show a console type adjusted to an info field type. We should also focus on the password key input type. It’s simply undependable to utilize a text field for a password. Perusing a password behind someone is certainly a lot simpler than perusing their keystrokes. This common bug during mobile testing can be easily missed which again creates a bad experience for the users

Push notifications
Another common bug found during mobile testing is the synchronization of the notifications and event that is happeningIt’s difficult to make them work just, however they are a significant correspondence and commitment channel between an application and a client. It’s critical to ensure that they work effectively.

On the off chance that the application doesn’t begin inside 5–10 seconds, it is a major issue. Present-day clients are ruined and a moderate versatile application won’t live up to their expanded desires and it is a Common bug during mobile testing which needs to be fixed.

Screen resolution is a significant factor, yet because of the assortment of cell phones right now available, this can be hard to progress nicely. During landscape mode, numerous components of the program which interface with each other might be broken.


So, the above mentioned are the few of the common bugs found during mobile testing. It is the work of the tester to find these bugs and fix them. During the advancements and improvement phases of mobile applications, it is critical to conform to all necessities, to know about new advancements, and to test the item altogether by and by. It is this tenacious testing that causes us to find and fix all imperfections and normal bugs in mobile or mobile applications so user’s needs are fulfilled.

Common bugs during mobile testing

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