Extra Curricular activities for Engineering students

Extra-curricular activities are a part of all engineering colleges in India. Without them life would too dull. So students have a variety of options to pick from.

Extra-Curricular activities


Engineering colleges in India are known for the hard work they expect the students to put in to get that degree. While life at an engineering college can get quite dull and boring, students have a plethora of options to choose from as extra-curricular activities. While there a variety of activities to choose from, following are the most common ones.

Extra-Curricular activities

Sports: Students get to choose from all kinds of sports – cricket, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, tennis, hockey, swimming etc. While students can simply play them as pastimes, they can also choose to play them at a competitive level. Some engineering colleges also send students to train at the sports academies if they are good in their chosen sport. This provision is available at IIT, Indore. So besides playing at the college level, you can also make it big at the national level.

National Service Scheme (NSS): It is a youth programme run by the Ministry of Youth Affairs & sports, Government of India. IIT Delhi, Government college of engineering, Kannur are a few colleges that have the NSS programme. The aim of this programme is helping the needy and community service. It aims to work for the welfare of the society through programmes such as trees plantation, blood donation campaigns, educating poor kids and more. Students also organise medical camps, Pulse Polio awareness campaign, advocate women’s rights, global warming awareness campaigns among other. Those who wish to work for the society while at the same time develop interpersonal skills, can enrol in the NSS.

Red Cross society: Most engineering colleges have a club that works on the principles of the Indian Red Cross Society. The students’ wing organizes blood donation camps on a regular basis. The club inculcates a sense of service in the students who also work for better health conditions of the poor.

Music and dance: Those with a creative bent of mind can also choose to learn music or dance. They get to perform at college festivals and other events.

The list of extra-curricular activities in engineering colleges for students to take their minds off studies for a while is extensive and the options vary from college to college.

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