Methods of Data Collection

Data Collection Methods

Data are coming to be known as the global game-changer across all business industries. Do you know what it is? Data is basically all the information that you collect through various sources. Further, process it in a way that traditional data mining and data handling techniques are not able to analyze it. In order to understand the methods of data collection, keep reading this article.

Data provides businesses with quantitative data on almost all things that people like to do over the internet. Although data have become a huge trending concept, yet many businesses still continue to be unsure of how to gather, process, and utilize it. We will talk about the interesting methods in which companies carry out data collection.

Methods of Data Collection for Big Data

Even today, there are many businesses that suffer from the challenges of data collection. For any new startup or budding business, analyzing data is not so easy. It gets tougher unless you use, user-friendly methods of data collection.

Data is not just jargon or a temporary phenomenon. In fact, it is a fundamental part of organizations in all sectors. Thus, any business that is not investing in the right manner to collect data, will be falling behind in the competition.

Social Media Activities

Do you know that today, most of humanity uses social media in one form or the other? You will be surprised to know that 70 percent of internet users are just social media users. By next year, this number might reach as much as 2.70 billion social media users across the globe. That means there’s a lot of social media data collection happening!

The method of data collection via social media platforms follows four major steps. These are data discovery, data collection, preparation, and finally, analysis.

Do you know social networks are one of the largest sources of collecting consumer data? To give you an idea, an average user spends around 2-3 hours daily on social media. If you analyze their social media surfing, you can know a lot about their interests. It is a great method of data collection. Almost all social media platforms are a large provider of data. It is usual for users to voluntarily disclose their information about personal lives to these networks.

However, this data analytics also helps to adjust the features of the sites. Also to analyze how many times they log into the website throughout the day or week. All of this data then helps create a thorough user profile on the basis of their habits, and other details that are relevant and important to them.

Loyalty Programs

The loyalty cards system is another method of data collection. It is great as it rewards repeat customers and encourages more shopping. Loyalty programs or cards are very beneficial for companies. The program aims at rewarding repeat clients. Every time you use credit cards, or loyalty cards, your purchase data tracked as well as being stored. Typically, it helps retailers to know which products/services are being sold to which group of customers. But this insight is also used in the long run to create a detailed customer profile. There are so many businesses that give customers a discount simply in exchange for their personal details. This is because this data is valuable to them. Further, they can predict a lot of shopping habits and in turn, develop customized marketing efforts targeting these customers.


Do you know even the games that you play online are collecting your personal data too? That’s right! Even gaming platforms are not exempt from collecting data. The constant and strong internet connection of diverse devices allows game developers to easily access a huge amount of data quite easily. Do you remember the last time you were playing a game and faced difficulty in a level? You might have felt tempted to make an in-app purchase. Or maybe wanted to delete or reinstall the game. You’ll be surprised to know that all of this information is tracked as well as stored. Hence, the gaming industry follows this method of data collection.

Online Marketing Analytics

Did you know that visiting websites are also a method of data collection? Every time you visit a website, your data is collected. Google Analytics has the ability to provide a lot of insight into each visitor of a website. The marketing team can use this information in building marketing campaigns. It is also helpful for website performance analysis.

Methods of Data Collection

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