Ethical Consideration When Collecting Data

Ethical Consideration While Collecting Data
Ethical Consideration When Collecting Data! Ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with the dynamics of decision making concerning what is right and wrong. Ethical Consideration when collecting data refers to a system of principles that can critically change pastconsiderations about choices and actions. Scientific research work, as all human activities, is governed by the individual, community, and social values. Research ethics involves requirements on daily work, the protection of the dignity of subjects, and the publication of the research work conclusions. Ethical principles provide a broad and high-level context for resolving ethical issues. The principles major aspects like include integrity, honesty, objectivity, responsibility, trustworthiness, impartiality, non-discrimination, accountability, robustness, usability, efficiency, and independence. As far as ethical codes for data collection and manipulation are concerned, these have various functions, including the following:
  • providing guidance on how to behave in difficult circumstances;
  • preserving privacy in a way that users and the public will find acceptable;
  • ensuring that data are used in such a way as to benefit the public;
  • reassuring customers, the public, and others about an organization’s integrity; and
  • reassuring employees that they work for a trustworthy organization.

Some Major Ethical Issues: Ethical Consideration When Collecting Data

Informed Consent

Ethical Consideration When Collecting Data! Notions of consent have long been important in Ethical Consideration when collecting data. Especially when research-related to healthcare is involved. Consent is one in all the foremost ethical issues when conducting research. It means someone knowingly, voluntarily and intelligently, and in a clear way, gives his consent for a doing. In general, to be meaningful, consent to the employment of information requires conditions. First is an understanding of what the data might be used for in the future. Secondly an understanding of how the data are to be used. It is essential to explain any physical harm or discomfort, any seizure of privacy, and any threat to dignity while coping with Ethical Consideration when collecting data. moreover as how the themes are going to be compensated therein case. consent is one in all the means by which a person’s right to autonomy is protected. consent in research could be a tread the thanks to ensuring the three pillars of accountability, transparency, and responsibility.


The ethical consideration of beneficence refers to the “be of benefit, do no harm”. Beneficence is usually difficult to predict when creating a hypothesis, especially in qualitative research. Beneficence relates to the benefits of the research, while not-maleficence relates to the potential risks of participation. It is an ethical principle that addresses the thought that actions should promote well. Doing good is assumed as doing what’s best for them. it’s the bioethical principle underlying the duty to act within the best interests of the client. Nonmaleficence dictates both preventing intentional harm and minimizing potential harm. A researcher must consider all the possible consequences of the research and also balance the risks with proportionate benefit. Nonmaleficence requires a high level of sensitivity from the researcher about what constitutes “harm”.

Respect For Anomality And Confidentiality

The issue of confidentiality and anonymity is closely linked with the rights of beneficence, respect for dignity, and fidelity. Anonymity is protected when the subject’s identity can’t be linked with personal responses. Confidentiality means that individuals are liberal to give and withhold the maxium amount of information as they wish to the person they choose. If the researcher is not able to promise anonymity he needs to address confidentiality, which is that the management of personal information by the researcher so as to guard the subject’s identity. The researchers must always bear in mind all psychological and social implications that a breach of confidentiality may wear subjects. It one of the foremost important Ethical Considerations when collecting data. This is all about Ethical Consideration When Collecting Data!

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