Stages Of Statistical Survey

Stages Of Statistical Survey

A statistical survey is a method of collection and analysis of numerical data. Over the years, the sector of statistics has evolved as a comprehensive discipline providing analytical tools to interpret huge amounts of information. Further, these tools help within the decision-making process an scientific inquiry. Statistical surveys are accustomed to collect numerical information about units within the population. Surveys involve asking inquiries to individuals. Surveys of human populations are common in government, health, science, and marketing sectors. The survey helps to stay track of events happening within the surroundings. There are various Stages Of Statistical Survey.

Steps In Statistical Survey

When conducting a statistical survey, there are Stages Of Statistical Survey, that are to be followed in sequential order. Unless we follow these steps systematically, we may not be able to achieve good results from the survey. Here are some important steps concerning a statistical survey:

  • Defining the problem and determining the objective,
  • Preliminaries to the collection of data,
  • Collection and Editing of data,
  • Classification and Tabulation of data,
  • Analysis and Interpretation of data,
  • Writing the report.

Defining the problem and determining the objective:

While performing a statistical survey, first of all, we have to state very clearly the problem to work on. A clear definition of the problem is most important as it is helpful to identify and collect the concerned data. After that, the next step is to determine the objective and scope of the survey. It serves as a path provider in the collection of the required information.

Preliminaries to the collection of data:

Before starting with the collection of data these key steps are to be considered in the Stages Of Statistical Survey:

  • Source of Data: Decide about the sources from which the data is to be collected. Collect the data on your own or from some published source.
  • Type of Enquiry: Determine the kind of inquiry to be conducted. There are several forms of statistical inquiries like census, initial or repetitive, direct or indirect, confidential or non-confidential, official or non-official, etc.
  • Defining the Statistical Unit: Define the statistical unit or units in which the data is to be collected. The unit should be appropriate and be free from discrepancy.
  • Degree of Accuracy: Decide the degree of accuracy to be achieved in the collection of data.

Collection and Editing of data:

A suitable method of data collection should be decided after considering various factors such as the nature of the study, the objective and scope of the inquiry, availability of financial resources, etc. Once the data is collected, the next step in the process of a statistical survey involves the editing of the collected information. It is necessary because in most cases the collected raw data contains various mistakes and errors.

Analysis and Interpretation of data:

Analysis of the data through various statistical measures such as averages, percentages, coefficients, etc. is also one of the most important steps. Out of a long list of statistical methods for analyzing, only those measures which are suited to the purpose of the survey should be taken. After analyzing, the task of drawing inferences comes. Which has to be done very precisely.  It is through interpretation like patterns or relations we can give broader meaning to survey findings.

Writing the report:

The last step in a statistical survey involves writing in detail about the conclusion and interpretations of the survey. Because the purpose of a survey is not well-served if the interpretations are not effectively communicated to people.

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