Hewlett Packard(HP) Enterprise Certification

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Hewlett Packard or HP is an IT company that provides IT services worldwide ranging from hardware and software components. HP also provides a host of certifications that would help a student Fastrack their career.

Since HP provides a host of certifications, a student can learn any based on his interest and passion. Therefore, these certifications are primarily designed to give students knowledge in different fields of specialization.

HP provides these certifications through its associates, partners, customers.

Hence, these Credentials are accepted at a global level, which helps in adding value to the CV.

Recently HP Certification’s name has changed to HPE certificates.

Hp has the following certification programs ranging from

  • Data Structure using C
  • Programming techniques with C & C++
  • VLSI, VHDL & PCB Design
  • PHP with Word Press
  • Core JAVA
  • J2EE Struts with Hibernate framework
  • J2EE Spring with Hibernate framework
  • Android app development
  • Network Concepts with security
  • Linux Administration with Scripting
  • ASP.NET with C#
  • Core JAVA with Android
  • Big Data Programming
  • Big Data Analytics (R Programming)
  • Data Science courses
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Python
  • Internet of things

All these skills are in-demand technical skills, hence they help a Student greatly while entering the job market.

The HP certification helps confirms that a student possesses elemental knowledge of technical concepts. As a result, this helps in starting a fruitful career.

Here, you can get certified in HPE Certifications