What are the ways to develop Android Apps?

what are the ways to develop apps

Confused about how an android app is built? What are the different techniques and Softwares available to develop android applications? Which one is the best way for you?

Let’s look at the answers to all these queries. The following are some of the different ways to develop apps.


Java is used mainly for developing android apps, along with the Eclipse integrated development environment(IDE). This way involves programming to develop functions and algorithms for the app. Android Studio is a popular software to design the front end of an app, that includes graphics, images, sound, layouts, etc. because Android Studio consists of almost every feature that you might want to use in your app. Also, it is a cross-platform software and can run on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Web Views

Android Web Views is used to view web pages in android. This can be used to build apps called “hybrid” apps, that are web pages loaded in an app container. But these apps have limited usability because languages like JavaScript are used to connect the app to the native codes. Basically, in this type of development of apps, it is less of coding and more of front end work.

React Native

This is an up-gradation to the web view way of developing apps. React Native is a JavaScript framework for writing real, natively rendering apps for android and other platforms. Also, it vanishes the reliance of app on JavaScript to import native services, which reduced the performance of the app as happened in hybrid apps. It was created by Facebook,


Flutter is a portable UI toolkit for building natively-compiled apps from a single codebase. It was released by Google in 2018 and is one of the latest UI toolkit in the market. It enables cross-platform app development, uses the Dart programming language, a modern programming language that is fast and easy to learn. Also, it’s a comprehensive app Software Development Kit (SDK), complete with widgets and tools that can develop high-quality apps.

Progressive Web Applications

Progressive web apps are web applications that are regular web pages but can appear as native apps to the users. Due to this feature, it is one of the technologies which might be used extensively in the future to develop apps. But currently, this way of developing apps is not very popular.

What are the ways to develop Android Apps

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