UPSC Exam | Current Affairs and News Analysis (24-07-2019)

Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 24-07-2019

Current Affairs and News (24-07-2019)- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.

  • Measles-Rubella Vaccination
  • Opposition to privatization of Ordinance Factory
  • Water-grid project in Marathwada
  • The government in the process of finalizing OTC drug policy
  • Loosening strength in anti-AIDS march
  • How not to educate India?

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Watch Video – UPSC Exam Current Affairs 24-07-2019

Video Source – Shankar IAS Academy

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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 24-07-2019 are followed in the part below:

UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (24-07-2019)

Measles-Rubella Vaccination

Part of: GS Prelims and Mains II โ€“ Health issue

Key pointers:

  • Measles-Rubella inoculation drive began in Rajasthan to cover 2.26 crore kids as long as 15 years old.
  • Measles and rubella are infectious viral contaminations preventable by antibody and most popular by its particular red rash.
  • The drive helps in accomplishing the UN SDG focus of diminishing Child (under 5 years) Mortality rate to 25 or less per 1000 live births by 2030.

Do You Know?

  • India represented 36% of the passings of the world’s youngsters by measles.
  • To accomplish full inoculation inclusion for all youngsters and pregnant ladies at a quick pace, the Government of India propelled “Mission Indradhanush” in December 2014.
  • Under Mission Indradhanush immunization is being given against eight antibody preventable sicknesses broadly, for example, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Polio, Measles, extreme type of Childhood Tuberculosis, Hepatitis B, meningitis and pneumonia brought about by Haemophilus flu type B; and against Rotavirus Diarrhea and Japanese Encephalitis in chose states and locale separately

Opposition to privatization of Ordinance Factory

Part of: GS Mains II and III โ€“ Government schemes and policies; Defence

In News

  • West Bengal CM has kept in touch with PM restricting the administration’s drive to privatize Indian Ordnance Factory

Masters of Privatization

  • Privatization will prompt an expansion ineffectiveness of the tasks of production lines
  • It will help modernize the residential weapon and ammo fabricating process
  • This will energize private segment support in the Defense business (Make in India plan) and helps prod occupations and speculation
  • Disinvestment in these organizations will prompt income profit for government

Issues with Privatization

  • Vital segment, for example, resistance gear assembling ought to stay under the influence of the administration in light of a legitimate concern for National Security and guard of nation
  • Arms Factory Board, with its 41 manufacturing plants crosswise over India utilizes around 1.6 lakh officials. Their work and annuity perspectives should be dealt with

Do you know?

  • Arms Factory board was established in 1775 with its HQ in Kolkatta to make military weapons and ammo
  • It is under the Ministry of Defense
  • It is viewed as the world’s biggest government set-ready for assembling arms and ammo.

Water-grid project in Marathwada

Part of: GS Prelims and Mains I and III โ€“ Geography; Water conservation

In News

  • Marathwada region of Maharashtra



  • Marathwada has customarily been a low-precipitation zone principally due in view of its topography โ€“ lies in downpour shadow district of western ghats
  • The matrix venture intends to make a coordinated channeled system to supply water for drinking, mechanical and agrarian purposes all as the year progressed.
  • The work would be taken up on the crossover annuity model, which includes speculation by private players too.

Do you know?

  • During 2016 dry season, a train named Jaldhoot provided in excess of 70 lakh liters of water to Latur in Marathwada area
  • Half and half annuity implies that the administration makes a forthright of 40% of the task cost and pays a fixed yearly installment(annuity) for specific years for activity and support (decreases traffic hazard), while 60% of undertaking cost is borne private player.

The government in the process of finalizing OTC drug policy

Part of: GS Prelims and Mains II โ€“ Health issue; Government schemes and policies

In news:

  • The act of self-prescription is wild in India
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs are meds sold legitimately to a shopper without a need of solution from a human services proficient
  • Without a lawful structure, scientific experts are selling some ordinarily utilized ‘solution just’ drugs like paracetamol just as different medications over the counter
  • In this manner, the absence of well-characterized guideline for OTC drugs is affecting patient wellbeing
  • Medications that are known to have insignificant symptoms can be delegated OTC with the goal that entrance to them turns out to be simple and wide.
  • At the point when drugs for basic viral contaminations, sore throat, acridity, acid reflux, sickness, spewing, stomach torment, damage, cuts, wounds, consumes, skin break out and so forth are made accessible under OTC, individuals will gain admittance to the correct prescription


  • Ascent of anti-infection obstruction because of utilization of over-the-counter medications
  • An anti-toxin is a medication intended to treat bacterial disease.
  • This will additionally fortify the act of self-drug

Do you know?

  • The Union wellbeing service’s Anti-Microbial Resistance mindfulness battle urges individuals not to utilize drugs set apart with a red vertical line, including anti-toxins, without a specialist’s solution โ€“ Red Line Campaign


Growth Forecast reduced

  • IMF cuts India’s development gauge for 2019-20 from 7.3% to 7%
  • The decrease is principally due to the flimsier than-anticipated standpoint for residential interest IMF cuts India’s development gauge for 2019-20 from 7.3% to 7%
  • The development motor of an economy is said to run on four wheels โ€“ Private utilization use (household request), private venture, government consumption, and fares
  • World Economic Outlook report is discharged by IMF



TOPIC: General Studies 2:

  • Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors and issues arising out of their design and implementation
  • Issues relating to the development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources
  • Issues and policies related to health
  • Important International institutions, agencies, and fora- their structure, mandate

Loosening strength in anti-AIDS march


  • The responsibility to end the AIDS pandemic by 2030 needs solid and valiant initiative


  • The Joint UN Program on AIDS, regularly known as UNAIDS, is confronting one of the most noticeably awful difficulties distressing the worldwide AIDS reaction
  • Arrangement another official chief after the flight of Michel Sidibรฉ in May 2019 on the suggestion of the program.
  • The responsibility to end AIDS by 2030 is driven yet not difficult to accomplish on the grounds that consistently there are about 1.7 million new diseases.


  • UNAIDS is driving the worldwide exertion to end AIDS as a general wellbeing danger by 2030 as a feature of the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • It began tasks in 1996
  • UNAIDS gives the vital course, promotion, coordination and specialized help expected to catalyze and interface initiative from governments, the private part and networks to convey life-sparing HIV administrations.

Achievements of UNAIDS:

  • It has effectively prepared world assessment to mount an extraordinary reaction to a pandemic.
  • The cutting of costs of AIDS tranquilizes by Indian generics have brought treatment inside the range of numerous nations by the Creation of GFATM.
  • Anticipating mother-to-youngster transmission of HIV has become an attainable objective by 2020.

Difficulties to arrive at the objective to end AIDS pandemic by 2030:

  • The association has begun to waver in its methodology.
  • Districts, for example, Eastern Europe and Central Asia and West Asia are not even close to arriving at the objective of consummation AIDS.
  • It is overlooked that AIDS influences poor people, the underestimated and condemned networks in getting to the ‘test and treat’ programs.
  • Financing for non-legislative associations and networks put together associations working with respect to avoidance has been progressively diminished.
  • The debilitating of national initiative of UNAIDS in some high-commonness nations.


  • The methodology to end AIDS ought to return to the World Health Organization (WHO) where it initially had a place with around 25 years back.
  • What’s more, that the new official chief ought to be furnished with a leave system to wrap up the association.
  • The new official executive needs to work steadily to put aversion of the plague and enabling networks at the focal point of worldwide reaction.
  • The new official executive ought to take a stab at the fortifying of association nearness at the nation level.


  • The responsibility to end AIDS by 2030 is yearning however not difficult to accomplish.
  • We have to re-empower UNAIDS with a solid and intrepid initiative from an individual of high respectability and responsibility alongside an earnest exertion to expel the deadwood from the association.

Coming to an obvious conclusion:

  • What is HIV and how is it a dangerous malady? How has India fought against HIV? Basically inspect.
  • Expound on the Policy activities started by the administration w.r.t. HIV AIDS and the vital concerns related. Feature the arrangements of the ongoing enactment
  • ‘Helps influence poor people, the minimized and condemned networks’. Talk about the difficulties and arrangements regarding the announcement.


TOPIC: General studies 2 

  • Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors and issues arising out of their design and implementation.
  • Issues relating to the development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Education

How not to teach India?


  • Draft National Education Policy disregards key issues of learning

Draft National Education Policy:

  • The draft of New National Education Policy has been as of late put together by the Committee drove by the Chairman Dr. Kasturirangan on the instruction approach.

Requirement for DNEP

  • The surviving National Policy on Education, 1986 altered in 1992 expected changes to meet the contemporary and advanced needs of India’s huge youth populace.
  • A New Education Policy is intended to meet the changing elements of the necessities as far as quality instruction, development, and research.
  • The arrangement targets making India an information superpower by outfitting understudies with the vital aptitudes and information.
  • It likewise centers around disposing of the lack of labor in science, innovation, scholastics, and industry.
  • The Draft Policy is based on the primary mainstays of Access, Equity, Quality, Affordability, and Accountability.

Why we should think about DNEP?

  • It has suggestions for India’s capacity to harvest its “statistic profit”.
  • Quickened financial improvement is reliant upon energetic work power, this can be accomplished distinctly by interests in human advancement, including instruction.

Key changes proposed in DNEP

  • The board of trustees has proposed to rename the Ministry of Human Resource Development as the Ministry of Education (MoE).
  • Educational program โ€“ In school training, a significant reconfiguration of curricular and academic structure was proposed.
  • The approach requires an Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) as a basic piece of school instruction.
  • A 5+3+3+4 curricular and academic structure dependent on intellectual and socio-passionate formative phases of youngsters was proposed.
  • RTE Act โ€“ The panel prescribes Extension of Right to Education Act 2009 to cover offspring of ages 3 to 18 (at present, 6-14).
  • The panel proposes for monstrous change in educator training.
  • Establishment โ€“ another peak body Rashtriya Shiksha Ayog is proposed.
  • The National Research Foundation, a pinnacle body, is proposed for making a solid research culture
  • National Higher Education Regulatory Authority will be the main controller for all advanced education including proficient training
  • UGC is to be changed to Higher Education Grants Commission (HEGC).
  • The arrangement proposes to make an accreditation eco-framework drove by a patched-up NAAC (National Assessment and Accreditation Council).
  • Language โ€“ Promotion of Indian and old-style dialects and setting up three new National Institutes for Pali, Persian and Prakrit were proposed.
  • Indian Institute of Translation and Interpretation (IITI) has been prescribed.
  • The strategy required the best possible usage of the three-language equation (going back to 1968) in schools the nation over.
  • Appropriately, understudies in Hindi-talking states ought to gain proficiency with an advanced Indian language, aside from Hindi and English.

Issues not tended to in DNEP

Five issues that the draft must consider fusing:

1 Financing of training

  • This report lost a chance to talk about the upsides of open interests in basic and secondary school instruction that produce “open great”, as against the college level strategy center around advancing “private great

2 Privatization-

  • Careless and unregulated tuition based schools and universities, other than settling on quality, will just increment (not decrease) social imbalances in Indiaโ€ฆ

3 Innovation (ICT) as a leveler and value enhancer

4 English as a mechanism of guidance

  • This issue was talked about that too for the most part by undermining the job and significance of the English language.

5 The state’s obligation to teaching the majority.

What should be possible?

  • Instruction change must concentrate on certain crucial standards like customized learning, proficiency, and numeracy, logical temper that advances rivalry and coordinated effort
  • Innovative stages must be quickly tackled to grant fair access at essential, rudimentary and secondary school levels and to build the nature of training
  • Standard appraisal of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.
  • Another “open private-association” model will prevail with regards to accomplishing the destinations of value, moderateness, and correspondence of access.
  • It ought to accentuate enough the job and significance of state governments in granting training to the majority.


  • Instruction is an amazing instrument for diminishing destitution and disparity, and it upgrades intensity in the worldwide economy.
  • Guaranteeing access to quality instruction for all is integral to the financial and social advancement of India, as indicated by the World Bank.

Drawing an obvious conclusion:

  • Talk about interesting highlights of the draft National Education Policy, 2019. Additionally, remark on the difficulties in the execution of proposed proposals?
  • Instruction is an incredible instrument for lessening neediness and disparity Analyze


Q.1) Measles and Rubella diseases are caused due to

  1. Bacteria
  2. Virus
  3. Fungus
  4. Protozoan parasite Plasmodium.

Q.2) Ordnance Factory board comes under which ministry

  1. Ministry of Heavy industries
  2. Department of Border Management, Ministry of Home Affairs
  3. Ministry of Defence
  4. Prime Ministerโ€™s Office

Q.3) Redline campaign is associated with

  1. Following of Traffic signals
  2. Railway crossing and signal
  3. Anti-microbial resistance
  4. HIV/Aids prevention and awareness

Q.4) World Economic Outlook report is released by

  1. IMF
  2. World Bank
  3. Federal Bank of USA
  4. World Economic Forum

Q.5) Hybrid Annuity Model is a mix of which of the PPP models

  1. EPC โ€“ Engineering Procurement and Construction
  2. BOT โ€“ Build Operate Transfer
  3. DBFO โ€“ Design Build Finance Operate
  4. BOO โ€“ Build Own Operate

Select the correct answer from codes given below

  1. 1 and 2 only
  2. 1,2 and 3 Only
  3. 1 and 3 only
  4. 1 and 4 only

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