UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (02-12-2019)

upsc exam current affairs 02-12-2019

Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 02-12-2019

Current Affairs and News (02-12-2019)- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.

  • Shipping Ministry approves Loktak Inland Water ways project
  • Battling anti-microbial resistance
  • Role of the Governor

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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 02-12-2019 are followed in the part below:

UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (02-12-2019)


Part of: GS Prelims and GS-I โ€“ Society

In News

  • The World AIDS Day 2019 was seen in India on the first of December.
  • It is a pandemic illness caused because of the contamination of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
  • World AIDS Day was the primary worldwide wellbeing day to be commended.
  • This year, the subject is “Networks Make the Difference.”
  • According to the most recent gauge of 2017, there are around 21.40 lakh individuals living with HIV in the nation. The administration is actualizing National AIDS Control Program (NACP) as a hundred percent Central Sector Scheme for counteractive action and control of AIDS.
  • NACP reaction to HIV pandemic involve a far reaching three-pronged methodology of counteractive action, testing and treatment.
  • The Government has likewise built up a seven-year National Strategic Plan from 2017 to 2024 to accomplish the Sustainable Development Goal of completion AIDS as a general wellbeing risk by 2030.


Part of: GS Prelims and GS-I โ€“ Culture

In News

  • The twentieth Edition of Hornbill Festival started at Naga Heritage Kisama in Nagaland
  • It is yearly held from 1 โ€“ 10 December.The first celebration was held in 2000.
  • The celebration composed by Nagaland Government is a yearly the travel industry limited time occasion to exhibit the state’s conventional and rich social legacy in the entirety of its ethnicity, assorted variety and glory.
  • The Objective is to energize between inborn communication and to advance social legacy of Nagaland.
  • Features of the Hornbill Festival will observer social execution of various clans of Nagaland and Northeastern States, indigenous games, city visit, night jamboree, workmanship display, photograph fest and some more.
  • One of the significant features of this celebration is the Hornbill International Rock Festival where nearby and worldwide musical crews perform.


Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III- International Relations

In News

  • Joint military exercise ‘SURYA KIRAN โ€“ XIV’ among India and Nepal will be directed in Nepal from 03 to 16 December 2019.
  • It is a yearly occasion which is directed on the other hand in Nepal and India.
  • The point of this activity is to direct a Battalion level joined preparing between Indian Army and Nepal Army to expand interoperability in wilderness fighting and counter psychological oppressor tasks in rocky landscape, helpful help and debacle alleviation and so forth.


Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains I โ€“ Culture

In News

  • Famous Malayalam artist Akkitham Achuthan Namboothiri, prominently known as Akkitham, has been decided for the 55th Jnanpith Award.
  • A Padma Shri awardee, he has won a few artistic honors including the Sahitya Akademi Award (1973), Kerala Sahitya Akademi Award (1972 and 1988), Mathrubhumi Award and so on

Jnanpith Award

  • It is given by Bharatiya Jnanpith, an abstract and research association situated in Delhi.
  • It is offered every year to a creator for their “exceptional commitment towards writing”.
  • It is gave uniquely on Indian scholars writing in Indian dialects remembered for the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution of India and English.
  • There are no after death conferral. Additionally just works distributed during the previous twenty years is considered for the honor.
  • The honor comprises of money prize is โ‚น11 lakh and a Bronze imitation of Saraswati, the Hindu goddess of information and insight.

Shipping Ministry approves Loktak Inland Water ways project

Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III โ€“ Economy

In News

  • The Shipping Ministry gave endorsement for the advancement of Loktak Inland Water ways improvement venture in Manipur under the focal division conspire
  • The assessed cost of the task is more than 25 crore rupees.
  • The Loktak Lake is the biggest crisp water lake in North east situated at Moirang in Manipur.
  • The task will build up the Inland water transport network in North East States and offer lift to the travel industry area too.

Do You Know?

  • Loktak Lake is acclaimed for the phumdis gliding over it. Phumdis are a progression of gliding islands, restrictive to the Loktak Lake in Manipur. They are heterogeneous masses of vegetation, soil and natural issue, in various phases of rot.
  • It has been assigned as a wetland of global significance under the Ramsar Convention in 1990.
  • It is additionally recorded under the Montreux Record in 1993, “a record of Ramsar destinations where changes in biological character have happened, are happening or are probably going to happen”.


Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III โ€“Environment Conservation

In News

  • Activity Clean Art was as of late led in India to guarantee that the mongoose hair brush exchange be shut down the nation over.
  • It was the primary skillet India activity to take action against the pirating of mongoose hair in the nation.
  • It was brought about by Wildlife Crime Control Bureau (WCCB).
  • It was an arranged assault, not to capture lawbreakers, however to beware of composed industrial facilities that were making paint brushes with mongoose hair.
  • Assaults were done in Uttar Pradesh, yet additionally at Jaipur in Rajasthan, Mumbai and Pune in Maharashtra, and in Kerala, around the same time. The whole activity the nation over yielded 54,352 brushes and 113 kg of crude hair
  • Mongoose hair is sought after among specialists overall as a result of the nature of brushes they help make, which characterize lines unmistakably and hold paint appropriately. India is a significant hotspot for these brushes. For around 150 kg of mongoose hair, in any event 6,000 creatures would have been slaughtered
  • The mongoose is recorded under Schedule II of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 โ€“ making its chasing, ownership, transportation and exchange a culpable offense
Daily Current Affairs IAS | UPSC Prelims and Mains Exam โ€“ 2nd December 2019

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General Studies- II

  • Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources. 

General Studies- III

  • Science and Technology- developments and their applications and effects in everyday lifeโ€ฏ 

Battling anti-microbial resistance 


  • As of late (Nov 18-24) world watched Antibiotic Awareness Week
  • It is one of the WHO Campaigns.
  • The battle features best practices among the overall population, wellbeing laborers and strategy creators to help stop the further rise and spread of anti-infection obstruction.
  • It is seen in the long stretch of November 


  • Anti-toxins, otherwise called antibacterials, are prescriptions that decimate or hinder the development of microbes.
  • Anti-infection agents have spared a great many lives till date.
  • In people anti-infection agents are principally utilized for treating patients,
  • In Animals they are utilized as development advertisers regularly in light of the fact that they offer financial alternate ways that can supplant sterile practices.

Present antibiotics becoming ineffective 

  • Numerous irresistible maladies have stopped to react to anti-infection agents.
  • As they continued looking for endurance and spread, basic bugs build up an assortment of instruments to create antimicrobial opposition (AMR).
  • The unpredictable utilization of anti-toxins is the best driver in determination and engendering of safe bugs.


  • Antimicrobial obstruction (AMR) is the capacity of a microorganism (like microscopic organisms, infections, and a few parasites) to stop an antimicrobial, (for example, anti-toxins, antivirals and antimalarials) from neutralizing it. Subsequently, standard medicines become ineffectual, contaminations persevere and may spread to other people.
  • AMR has been perceived worldwide as a significant general wellbeing challenge with genuine effect on economy and advancement.
  • AMR is a man made fiasco by the Irresponsible utilization of anti-toxins which is widespread in human wellbeing, creature wellbeing, fisheries, and agribusiness. Internationally, utilization of anti-toxins in creatures is relied upon to increment by 67% by 2030 from 2010 levels.
  • AMR can prompt further difficulties, for example,
    • Minor untreatable contaminations can get lethal
    • Complex medical procedures, for example, organ transplantation and cardiovascular detour may get hard to attempt due to untreatable irresistible entanglements that may result post-medical procedure.

Can new anitbiotics be developed? 

  • No new class of anti-infection agents has been found in the previous three decades
  • The pipeline for the disclosure, improvement and spread of new anti-microbials has essentially dried out, the explanation being for the advancement of new anti-microbials it takes around 10-12 years and a speculation of $1 billion.
  • Regardless of whether formed once it comes into the market, its aimless use quickly brings about obstruction, rendering it pointless.

Steps taken globally: 

  • Consistently, World Antibiotic Awareness Week (WAAW) is seen by governments, wellbeing offices, schools and networks over the globe in the long stretch of November.
  • The Sustainable Development Goals have featured the significance of containing AMR.
  • Different monetary and political stages, for example, UN general Assembly, G7, G20, EU, ASEAN and so on have managed the subject of containing AMR
  • O’Neill report on AMR
  • Worldwide Action Plan on AMR

Steps taken by India: 

Legislature of India has made various strides that will add to worldwide endeavors to protect and draw out the viability of anti-infection agents, for example,

  • Drawing out its National Action Plan on AMR (NAP) in 2017.
  • Observation systems have been built up in human wellbeing and creature wellbeing.
  • In July, the Indian government prohibited the assembling, deal and utilization of colistin in the poultry business.
  • The FAO has helped India in producing the ‘Indian Network for Fishery and Animals Antimicrobial Resistance’ for the age of dependable information on the extent of the issue and observing patterns in light of control exercises.

Issues in India: 

The strength of people and creatures fallsโ€ฏin State list which adds unpredictability to the across the nation reaction

Need in the future: 

  • World must dispatch a worldwide development to contain AMR which will incorporate the limit increase for administrative systems, contamination control practices and diagnostics backing, accessibility and utilization of rules for treatment, biosecurity in creature raising practices and understanding the job of nature and the commitment of networks.
  • Usage of India’s NAP should be quickened.
Daily Current Affairs IAS | UPSC Prelims and Mains Exam โ€“ 2nd December 2019

Source: React group

Oโ€™Neill report on AMR 

  • The Review on Antimicrobial Resistance, frequently alluded to as the O’Neill Commission, was dispatched by the UK Prime Minister David Cameron and is led by regarded financial analyst Jim O’Neill.
  • This report looks at the need to help the advancement of new anti-infection sedates, and proposes national and universal procedures that will address those issues, including changes to the current financial models encompassing anti-toxin improvement and deals.
  • Distributed in 2016
  • It has expressed that inaction in containing AMR is probably going to bring about yearly mortality contacting 10 million individuals and a 3.5% fall in worldwide GDP by 2050.

Global Action Plan on AMR 

  • In 2015 World Health Assembly supported a worldwide activity intend to handle antimicrobial opposition as a piece of the tripartite coordinated effort with World Health Organization, Food and Agricultural Organization, and World Organization for Animal Health.
  • five vital targets
    • to improve mindfulness and comprehension of antimicrobial opposition;
    • to fortify information through reconnaissance and research;
    • to diminish the rate of disease;
    • to upgrade the utilization of antimicrobial specialists;
    • build up the monetary case for manageable speculation that assesses the necessities everything being equal, and increment interest in new prescriptions, analytic instruments, immunizations and different mediations.

National Action Plan on AMR (NAP) 

  • It is created on the lines of Global Action Plan for AMR
  • It depends on the ‘One Health approach’, which implies that human wellbeing, creature wellbeing and the earth segments have equivalent obligations and key activities in fighting AMR. 


Colistin is a multi year-old anti-microbial that is being utilized progressively as a ‘last-line’ treatment to treat diseases brought about by Multi Drug Resistant microorganisms, when basically no different alternatives are accessible.   

Connecting the dots: 

  • UN appointee secretary-general had said thatโ€ฏ’antimicrobial obstruction is probably the best risk we face as a worldwide network’. In this setting clarify what is AMR and steps taken by India against the equivalent?


TOPIC:General Studies- II

  • Parliament and State Legislatures โ€“ structure, functioning, conduct of business, powers & privileges and issues arising out of these.

Role of the Governor

Context :

  • Drawn out impasse in Maharashtra over the development of a legislature as no single gathering had its very own lion’s share after the Assembly political race in October.
  • It was anything but an entirely broken decision. A pre-survey coalition of the Bharatiya Janata Party (105 seats) and the Shiv Sena (56) had an unmistakable lion’s share (161 in the 288-seat Assembly, with 145 being the dominant part mark), yet the Sena broke the collusion over uncertain issues identified with sharing of intensity.
  • The Supreme Court of India requested an early floor test, Ajit Pawar surrendered. Mr. Fadnavis went with the same pattern, conceding that he didn’t have the necessary larger part.
  • Another post-survey mix, between the Sena, NCP and the Congress and a few independents, has now framed the legislature.
  • The improvements have brought under center the job of the Governor in such conditions.

What should the Governor do if there is a hung Assembly?

  • The Constitution imagines that the Governor follow up on the guide and counsel of the Council of Ministers, aside from in those circumstances wherein he is, by or under the Constitution, required to act in his watchfulness (Article 163).
  • Unmistakably in distinguishing a competitor who, as he would see it, is in a situation to order a lion’s share, the Governor needs to settle on his own choice, subject, obviously, to equitable standards.
  • This is the reason one regularly observes the Governor of a State welcoming pioneers for discourses as a feature of endeavors to investigate the plausibility of shaping an administration.
  • At the point when the Governor selects the Chief Minister along these lines, it is joined by a stipulation that the deputy demonstrate their lion’s share inside a predefined time on the floor of the House.

Preferred order 

  • The Governor may welcome the pioneer of the biggest single gathering first. In any case, on the off chance that obviously the biggest single gathering has no potential partner or enough free individuals to guarantee a lion’s share, he may likewise welcome the pioneer of the biggest pre-survey mix or union.
  • On the off chance that there is no blend or partnership, he may welcome pioneers individually in the request for their size in the new Assembly.
  • During this procedure, a post-survey mix may develop, if any of them consents to shape a legislature. The Governor may demand letters of help from those outside the pioneer’s gathering who are eager to join or stretch out help to him.

Sarkaria Commission on inter-State relations

  • A union framed preceding the political decision;
  • The biggest single gathering staking guarantee with the help of others, including independents;
  • A post-constituent alliance, with all accomplices joining the administration;
  • A post-survey alliance, with some joining the legislature, and others expanding support from outside.
  • Senator should search for a gathering or mix that directions the most stretched out help in the Assembly
  • Representative’s assignment is to see that an administration is shaped, and not to attempt to frame an administration which will seek after arrangements which he endorses”.
  • The Sarkaria Commission prescribes that an individual, who has been delegated Chief Minister without an unmistakable lion’s share, should look for a demonstration of approval in the Assembly inside 30 days. 

Do you know?

Article 174, the Governor brings the House just on the exhortation of the Council of Ministers, yet will be inside his protected rights to make the House be met if there is motivation to accept that there is an uncertainty about the occupant’s larger part.

SC Judgements:

  • The key rule that should manage the Governor is set out in the S.R. Bommai versus Association of India case (1994).
  • The court stated, for testing the quality of a service is a story test.
  • Despite the fact that this decision was with regards to the burden of President’s standard in various States, the rule holds useful for any circumstance in which Governors need to settle on the arrangement of a Chief Minister or continuation of a system dependent on its numerical quality in the House.
  • In Rameshwar Prasad (2005), the court decided that there was nothing incorrectly in introducing a post-survey mix, and that the Governor couldn’t decrease the arrangement of an administration on the ground that it was being done through dishonest methods.
  • Karnataka (2018) and Maharashtra (2019) are occurrences of the court requesting a story test in a circumstance in which the Assembly had not yet been met after the general political race. Along these lines, the administrators were yet to make their vows. The court coordinated the arrangement of a genius tem Speaker, to be trailed by the organization of vow to the new individuals and, from that point, a story test.
  • SC: “In a circumstance wherein, if the floor test is postponed, there is a plausibility of steed exchanging, it gets occupant upon the court to act to ensure majority rule esteems.”

Connecting the dots:

  • For a situation looking at the legitimacy a Constitution Bench advised Governors against following up on inner gathering improvements or “entering the political brush”. Analyze


Model questions: (You can now post your answers in comment section)

Q.1) Consider the following statements about Operation Clean Art

  1. The aim of the initiativewas to recover the stolen heritage art from across the world and bring it back to India
  2. It is launched by Ministry of Culture in collaboration with UNICEF

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. Neither 1 nor 2

Q.2) Consider the following statements about Loktak Lake

  1. It is the largest fresh water lake in North east located in Nagaland
  2. Phumdis which are a series of floating islands consisting of heterogeneous masses of vegetation, soil and organic matter,is exclusive to the Loktak Lake

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. Neither 1 nor 2

Q.3) Consider the following statements about Jnanapith Award

  1. It is given by Bharatiya Jnanpith, a literary and research organization based in Delhi.
  2. It is bestowed on both Indian and foreign writers writing in Indian languages included in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution of India and English.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. Neither 1 nor 2

Q.4) Exercise Surya Kiran is a joint military exercise conducted between India and which other country/countries?

  1. Nepal
  2. Sri Lanka
  3. Australia and Japan
  4. Bhutan and Bangladesh

Q.5) Consider the following statements about Hornbill festival

  1. It is annually held from 1 โ€“ 10 December. The first festival was held in 2000.
  2. The festival is organised by Union Ministry of Culture as an annual tourism promotional event to showcase the North East Indiaโ€™s traditional and rich cultural heritage in all its ethnicity, diversity and grandeur.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. Neither 1 nor 2

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