Tips to Beat Stress during IAS Preparation

Tips to Reduce Stress during IAS Preparation Tips

Thinking to get top IAS coaching in Chennai? A diamond is not found easily. It demands hard work and struggles for days, months and even years. Only then will you find the shining star. The above sentence applies to everything in life. We do not get anything easily and if we do get something easily, it does not stand long too. To achieve something great in life, it takes days, months or years to succeed. The main point is that we should not go astray during the struggle period and must focus no matter what happens.

This is the same with IAS preparation. IAS is one of the toughest exams in our country and it takes strong will power and determination to succeed. One must be mentally and physically prepared for the IAS exam. No doubt that IAS puts lots of pressure on the preparation process. The syllabus of the IAS is so vast that it is compared to three graduating courses. It becomes very tiring and stressful for the students to prepare by themselves.

The IAS students look out for the best coaching centers to help them in their preparation process. It is believed that the top IAS coaching in Chennai is known to provide the best coaching for IAS aspirants in the country. There are many coaching centers in Chennai which helps the students prepare for the exams. They are trained by professionals and experts followed by regular exams.

During the entire process of coaching and preparation, one becomes very stressed and exhausted. It becomes very difficult for them to keep their concentration level and slowly start losing interest. This is very bad for IAS preparation. Hence, it is highly recommended that they manage stress to keep spirit levels high.

This article will help you with some of the tips to keep your stress under control and help you prepare well for your exams. Take a look below. 

Time Table

This is the first thing that needs to be done in the IAS preparation. Make a timetable that suits you and follow it ardently. No matter what happens, follow it regularly. Determination is very important. Only then, you can succeed in your exams. A schedule must be made for all your activities and follow them correctly.

It is mostly seen that one usually follows the timetable at the start and gradually starts to lose interest. The first thing they do is not following their time table and schedule. This is the starting point of losing interest and determination. That is why it is essential to stick to your time table ardently. Once you start following your schedule, you will notice that you are not stressed too. This is considered as the best thing in the preparation process.


Yoga is known to be the most effective stress reliever. It will not only help you during the preparation process but also will be helpful in the long run of your life. There are many asanas that are very helpful to get rid of your stress especially the Anjali Mudra and Simhasana. Breathing exercises also help you in many ways. It will make your body and mind healthy and will also improve your concentration level. Hence, whenever you feel you are overstressed, just make sure you spend 15 minutes practicing Yoga or Meditation to calm your mind and soul.

Sound Sleep

It is the most common misbelief that when preparing for IAS, one will have to forget their sleep. This is the most dangerous thing in the IAS preparation. Without sleep, you will feel tired and you will also find it difficult to concentrate. Your mind and body demand rest. It follows a fixed routine which when disturbed, will take a toll on your health. You will have no energy to study or do any simple tasks. Sleep will not only keep you healthy but also prepare you for the next day. Make sure you sleep peacefully at least for 6-7 hours daily. Do not consider sleep to be a waste of time. In fact, sleep will actually help your brain and body to recharge and prepare you for the exam preparation.

Eat Right

Avoid junk food. Eat healthy foods so that you are mentally and physically healthy. Whenever you feel hungry eat nuts, vegetables, fruits or anything which is healthy. Junk food is one of the causes of depression and it will make you lose your concentration.


Just like Yoga/Meditation, exercise is also one of the great ways to beat stress. It will keep your body healthy and fit. Exercise helps in increasing the production of the brain’s endorphins. Endorphin is the lead cause of elation and happiness. Hence, make sure you exercise so that you feel happy and relieved during your preparation process.

Make Time for your Hobby

Yes, you read it right. Do not let go of your hobby as it will help you stay relaxed and calm. Covering the vast syllabus is quite hectic. So making time for a hobby would sure become difficult. Trust me, when you make a small amount of time for something you love, your brain gets energized and it will help you perform better in the preparation process. A Hobby does not necessarily involve manual work. You can just listen to music, read books, etc.


Breaks are the first and the most important point in your IAS preparation. When you feel you are tired and exhausted, just take a small break. Forcing yourself to keep preparing will not do any good. A break is a must when your brain can no longer handle stress. Taking a break will help you refresh your mind and body.