Being an IAS Officer: A Selfless Duty Towards Nation

work of IAS officer

Indian Administrative Service (IAS)

The Indian Administrative Service is one of the All India Services among the other two for example the Indian Forest Service and Indian Police Service. Candidates who are chosen as IAS Officer are trained to oversee Government undertakings. Each government employee is designated to a specific office with strategy framing and implementing it as a significant obligation in that specific region.

The strategy issues are outlined, changed, and interpreted in this post under the immediate management of the Administrative Office with the assent of the Minister. On the guidance of the official, the execution of the strategies is additionally done. The arrangement making matters of the government component rely upon the government employee rank.

The cycle of usage includes management just as visiting/touring. The portion of gigantic assets to and by the field officials commands management and the concerned authorities are liable to inquiries made in the Parliament.

About IAS Officer

The Indian Administrative Service (IAS) is a part of the Indian Civil Service. It is one of the head services of the Government of India. In the wake of qualifying the compulsory selection tests, one turns into an IAS official and gets enlistment in the government set up. IAS is one of the esteemed and famous vocation decisions among numerous competitors preferring to make a profession in the government area.

What settles on it a mainstream professional decision is a way that alongside financial remuneration, the occupation of an IAS official offers a few advantages and advantages that no other employees can offer. The part of an IAS official is to oversee different administrative issues of the government.

The employment of an IAS official includes framing strategies and advising the ministers on different issues, maintaining lawfulness, supervising the usage of arrangements of State Government and Central Government, collecting incomes and capacity as courts in income matters, supervising the use of public assets according to standards of financial appropriateness and handling the everyday issues of the government, including framing and execution of strategy in an interview with the minister answerable for the division concerned.

IAS Officer Ranks

Underneath given are the ranks that an IAS official will hold during his tenure:

The ranks are given to the civil servant based on their seniority in the civil services:

Sub-Divisional Magistrate in a sub-division of an area/Section Officer in state secretariat (Entry)/Assistant Director to Government of India.

Additional District Magistrate/Additional Collector/Additional Deputy Commissioner of a District or Under Secretary in the State Government.

District Magistrate/Collector/Deputy Commissioner of a District or Additional Secretary in the State government or Joint Director/Deputy Secretary to the Government of India.

District Magistrate/Collector/Deputy Commissioner of a District or Special Secretary in the State government or Director in the Government of India.

Divisional Commissioner in a division or Secretary in the State government or Joint Secretary to Government of India.

Principal Secretary in the State Government or Additional Secretary to the Government of India.

Chief Secretary of States or Secretary to Government of India.

Cabinet Secretary of India (Only one post).

IAS Educational Qualification

The various academic necessities according to the IAS Eligibility Criteria are given beneath:

Eligibility to become IAS Officer

Indian Administrative Service
  • The candidate must be a resident of India
  • Candidate must be a resident of Nepal or a subject of Bhutan
  • The candidate must be a Tibetan Refugee who came to India before January 1, 1962, to be settled permanently in India
  • The candidate must be an individual of Indian Origin who has migrated from Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam, Zaire, or Zambia with an expectation of permanently getting comfortable in India
  • Candidate must hold a Bachelor’s Degree from any of the perceived colleges
  • Candidates who have appeared for the qualifying examination and are awaiting results or the individuals who are yet to appear for the qualifying examination are also qualified for the Preliminary Examination, Such candidates have to deliver proof of passing the said examination along with the application for the Main Examination.
  • Candidates with professional and technical qualifications perceived by the Government or its equivalent are also qualified to apply.
  • Candidates who have passed the final year of MBBS or any Medical Examination yet are yet to finish the temporary job can also appear for the Main Examination. Nonetheless, they should present a certificate from the concerned University that they have passed the final professional medical examination

A candidate should be at least 21 years and a maximum of 32 years old as of August 01, 2020. However, he/she has probably been brought into the world not earlier than August 02, 1988, and not later than August 01, 1999. Necessary action will take to make comparing changes in individual Rules/Regulations pertaining to various administrations.

The upper age limit endorsed above is relaxable for the accompanying candidates:

  • 5 Years – Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST)
  • 3 Years – Other Backward Classes (OBC)
  • 3 Years – Defense Services faculty
  • 5 Years – ex-servicemen including Commissioned Officers and ECOs/SSCOs who have delivered at least 5 years Military Service as of August 01, 2020.
  • 5 Years on account of ECOs/SSCOs
  • 10 Years – Blind, deaf-quiet, and orthopedically handicapped people
  • 5 Years – In the case of ECOs/SSCOs who have finished an initial time of assignment of five years of Military Service as of first August 2019 and whose assignment has been reached out past five years and in whose case the Ministry of Defense gives a certificate that they can apply for common business and that they will be released on a quarter of a year’s notification on choice from the date of receipt of the offer of appointment

Limitation on the maximum number of attempts is successful since 1984:

  • For General Candidates: 6 attempts (Up to 32 Years)
  • Planned Caste and Scheduled Tribe Candidates (SC/ST): No Limits (Up to 37 Years)
  • Other Backward Classes (OBC): 9 attempts (Up to 35 Years)
  • Physically handicapped-9 attempts for general and OBC, while boundless for SC/ST

Books & Study Material to Become IAS Officer

Students spend enormous time preparing for the UPSE CSE with the ultimate aim to become an IAS officer. However, only a few are able to live up to their dreams. To become an IAS officer, candidates should first know how to start their IAS preparation

It is a lot of important for a candidate who appears for IAS 2020 to pick the privilege and valuable IAS Preparation books. It isn’t important to consider countless pointless books however to read a couple yet actually helpful books that cover all the subjects viably of IAS Syllabus.

Given beneath is the rundown of some important IAS Preparation Books along with the names of their author or publication:

Book TitleAuthor/Publication
History Of Modern India (History)Bipan Chandra
India’s Struggle For Independence (History)Bipan Chandra
India’s Ancient Past (History)R.S. Sharma
History Of Medieval India (History)Satish Chandra
A New Look at Modern Indian HistoryBL Grover
The Wonder That Was India (Culture)A.L. Bhasham
Indian Art and Culture (Culture)Nitin Singhania
Our ParliamentSubash Kashyap
Geography of India (Geography)Majid Husain
Oxford School Atlas (Geography)Oxford
Science and TechnologyTMH
CSAT Book Cracking the CSAT Paper-2Arihant
Certificate Physical and Human Geography (Geography)Goh Cheng Leong
Indian Polity for Civil Services Examinations (Polity)M. Laxmikanth
Indian Economy (Economy)Ramesh Singh
Environmental Studies: From Crisis to Cure (Environment)Rajagopalan
A History of Modern WorldRanjan Chakravarti
Environment for Civil Services Prelims and Main (Environment)Khuller
Facets of Indian CultureSpectrum
Indian ConstitutionPM Bakshi
Verbal & Non-Verbal ReasoningR. S. Aggarwal

A career as an IAS Officer

Getting into Indian Administrative Service and turning into an IAS officer isn’t easy as there is a great deal of rivalry included, nonetheless, one with a correct attitude and approach can turn into an IAS officer. For turning into an IAS officer, a candidate must qualify UPSC common administrations exam (UPSC CSE) that comprises of three stages – Prelims, Mains, and Interview.

IAS officer

Work and Responsibilities of an IAS officer:

Broadly IAS officer is answerable for the maintenance of law and request, income administration, and general administration in the area under him.

At the point when you become an IAS Officer, you will be mindful to play out the accompanying obligations: –

  1. You will be liable for a majority of government affairs; you will work in the areas of implementation of the arrangement under the consultation of the clergyman, farming, and so on
  2. You should actualize the approaches, direct them, and be available in all necessary places where the chose arrangements have been executed.
  3. As an officer, you will also have the option to answer the state legislatures as well as the parliament in case of any irregularities happening in the area under you.
  4. You will be dependable to maintain overall use, for which you are answerable to the parliament and state legislatures.
  5. At the principal stage after joining the lofty IAS, you will join at the post of sub-divisional level as a sub-divisional magistrate.
  6. Once in this position, you will have in your hands the ability to manage the whole developmental work of the area under your influence. You will also have the authority to guarantee the law and request are maintained on all occasions.
  7. After this level, you as an IAS officer will be posted at the district level, known as the district magistrate, deputy officer.
  8. Here, you will have major obligations, and also have the ability to lead programs that will take the district you are in charge of to a higher turn of events.
  9. You could also serve at the post of state secretariat or as the head of a Public Sector Unit.
  10. When at the central level, the central level, you could be posted as the Cabinet Secretary Additional Secretary, Joint Secretary, the Deputy Secretary, and/or the Under Secretary.
  11. While you will formulate the strategies and actualize concerning finance and trade, the final choices on the same will be subject to the concerned clergyman you’ll be working under.
  12. As an IAS official, you will have the total authority, capability, and occasion to aid the penniless and the poor of the general public.
  13. You will be liable for the Recovery of pay, and the unhindered working of tax courts.
  14. You will be filling in as a leader magistrate.
  15. You will work as a Head of Development (CDO)/District Development Commissioner.
  16. You will oversee the implementation of the state and also the central government strategies.
  17. You will constantly visit places to screen new strategy implementation.
  18. You will be capable in the management of the use of public assets according to the standards of financial proprietorship.
  19. With regards to strategy making and dynamic, you will hold various situations at various levels, for example, undersecretary, and so forth
  20. You are needed to be resolved to, contribute, and give a complete structure to various strategies.
  21. Overall, the basis of your obligations and duties as an IAS officer is to manage the everyday activities of the legislature. This remembers the turn of events and implementation of the approach for consultation with the pastor liable for the particular department concerned.

IAS Officer Power

One of the loftiest and first-class government occupations is to be an IAS (Indian Administrative Service) officer. As it is appropriately said with powers comes obligation, this employment has more duties as it has power.

A few misunderstandings always stand around being an IAS. To make it understand being an IAS is, even more, help than employment which is dynamic in each aspect and accompanies ample challenges. Posts in the table are the posts in which just a single IAS official can be posted and that varies from state to state. After finishing all the stages of determination the IAS officer joins at the post of sub-divisional level as a sub-divisional magistrate.

After that comes the district level and joining are for district magistrate and deputy officer. Post of state secretariat also requires an IAS to hold and they also fill in as head of PSU (public area unit). The IAS can also be a Cabinet Secretary, Joint Secretary, and also the Deputy Secretary and Under Secretary

How about we take a look at the Power of an IAS:

Thinking about all the facts about the force/obligations of an IAS we have to think about what exactly one has to do after turning into an IAS. Most candidates dream about a force-packed career after they become IAS yet here comes the fact that one has to attentive, dedicated, and not be caught up with dreaming about your privileges and status.

IAS Officer Training

In the event that being an IAS officer is an aspirant’s dream, at that point, IAS training is communicated as living the main episode in the dream working out. IAS training is often portrayed as exhilarating, energizing, and satisfying. During IAS training, officers have a profound feeling of accomplishment and self-actualization.

The main thing you hear after qualifying for the IAS exam is about advancing life during training in Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA). How about we become acquainted with the details of the training in LBSNAA.

Phase 1 of IAS Training:

In the first phase, thorough training to the officer trainee of the Indian administrative administrations is imparted in a wide range of subjects to enable them to handle varied assignments that they would typically hold in the primary decade of their administration. It comprises of district training, yet before that, it comprises of two basic modules as follows:

1. The winter study tour:

  • The officer trainees travel across the nation to encounter its rich cultural variety.
  • A weeklong attachment with the Bureau of Parliamentary Studies, which opens them to the working of the Parliamentary framework in India.
  • The Officer Trainees (OTs) also call on important dignitaries, for example, the President of India, the Vice-President of India, the Prime Minister of India, and others during this attachment.

2. The academic module: It is a topic-based module and covers various subjects, for example:

  • IAS in context/Role of the IAS in strategy making national security/law and request, agriculture/land management and administration, rural turn of events/decentralization, and Panchayati raj urban management/infrastructure and public-private partnership e-governance/office management/administration.
  • Aptitudes, for example, soft abilities (leadership, organizational behavior, and interpersonal aptitudes), venture management, designing abilities, and ICIT financial management and undertaking appraisal social area/weaker segment and minorities are specially taken care of.

3. District Training:

  • IAS trainees experience one year of district training which resembles a drill to enable them to see, study and live the paradox that is quintessential India-with its unfathomable variety, myriad challenges, and openings.
  • District training also gives a wide range of occasion to consider the administrative set-up, interact with individuals, their representatives, and officials so as to understand the paradigm of improvement as well as the adequacy of strategies

Phase 2 of IAS Training

  • In the subsequent phase, the officer trainees are given a platform to share individual learning encounters gained in the field and enable them to articulate the qualities and weaknesses of our administration and governance.
  • This phase emphasizes the interactive learning technique and it is enhanced with special meetings with recognized specialists from the inside and outside the Government.
  • The penultimate phase of training fills in as a vibrant learning ground before the Officer Trainees (OTs) launch their career out in the open help.

A regular day for an Officer Trainee at the LBSNAA Academy

A regular day of an IAS officer trainee (OT) at the academy starts at 6 am with a morning exercise drill for an hour and then the riding plan operates simultaneously. The IAS officer trainee classroom meetings which comprise 5 to 6 academic meetings of 55 minutes each on all working days begin at 9 am.

Night hours are generally dedicated to the games, riding, and cultural activities which are for the most part less about learning and even more having relaxation time. The remainder of the night and evening time is gone through in interacting with the individual trainees and preparing for the following day academic meetings.

The Academy places a solid emphasis on open-air functions as part of its dynamic training education program. All ends of the week and informed holidays are usually held for extra-curricular activities, for example, network administrations, adventure sports, rock climbing, paragliding, stream rafting, short trips, and so on The importance of physical and mental wellness in leading an existence of health, vitality, and peace needs no reiteration. It is even more critical for the individuals who have a riotous and often pressure-filled career.

IAS officers under training are firmly encouraged to lead a rich, varied, and vibrant campus life broadening much past the limits of auditoriums. A few examples of such encounters are as the following:

Modern Trends in IAS Training

The Kiran Aggarwal Committee established by the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) has suggested that the total training period for IAS officers be brought down from two years to one-and-a-half years. The progression was proposed considering the solid feedback got from late batches of IAS officers about the relative problematic viability of attachments in the district and the relatively higher utility of autonomous charges for hands-on learning.

On the off chance that we assume the rising median age of IAS officer trainees (around 28 years), the training duration decrease appears to be somewhat valid as many enter administration with significant work insight and fewer potential years of administration. Also, the extent of training has extended throughout the years as an organized mid-career training program and momentary supplemental classes can be availed by the offers after four years of administration. And lastly, the decrease in training or probation period would be invited by state governments given the general shortage of junior-level IAS officers.

IAS officer salary

IAS officers are one of the most generously compensated government servants. The salary of an IAS officer is according to his/her post and the associated pay scale.

The seventh Central Pay Commission has stipulated a basic pay of Rs 56100 for recently accepted IAS officers. There are a total of 18 pay levels for IAS with the Cabinet Secretary of the Union getting the most significant salary at Rs. 250000. In addition to this, IAS officers usually get the accompanying advantages while in administration

Given underneath is UPSC IAS salary after 7th pay commission:

PostGradePay ScaleGrade Pay
Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM), SDO, or Sub-Collector (after 2 years of probation)Junior or Lower Time Scale15600 – 391005400
District Magistrate (DM) or Collector or a Joint Secretary of a Government MinistrySenior Time Scale15600 – 391006600
Special Secretary or the Head of Various Government DepartmentsJunior Administrative15600 – 391007600
Secretary to a MinistrySelection Grade37400 – 670008700
Principal Secretary of a Very Important Department of the GovernmentSuper Time Scale37400 – 670008700
VariesAbove Super Time Scale37400 – 6700012000
Chief Secretary of States, Union Secretaries in charge of various ministries of Government of IndiaApex Scale80000 (Fixed)NA
Cabinet Secretary of IndiaCabinet Secretary Grade90000 (Fixed)NA

Types of Job Role of IAS Officer

The employment of an IAS officer is one of the most desired positions in India. Aspirants ready to make a career as an IAS officer can have a look the underneath IAS officers’ occupation profiles which is the hallmark of governance in India.

Sub Divisional Officer:

He/she is the in-charge of various improvement activities going on in the sub-division. The occupation of the Sub Divisional Officer is to coordinate crafted by various departments.

Divisional Commissioner:

The Divisional Commissioner is the coordinator of all activities associated with the general administration that incorporates law and request, income administration, and improvement administration at the divisional level. The Divisional Commissioner heads the income administration in his division and hears appeals against the sets of District Collectors. He/she coordinates and regulates crafted by all wings of policy management in his division.

District Magistrate/District Collector:

The District Magistrate is liable for running the administration of the district easily and appropriately. He/she is the main agent for making the necessary coordination of the official agencies working inside the district. As a Collector, he/she is liable for the assortment of income from the district.

Boss Secretary:

The Chief Secretary guarantees departmental co-ordination. He/she is the chairman of coordination panels which are set ready for settling between departmental questions and also advises the secretaries on between departmental challenges.

Cabinet Secretary:

Cabinet Secretary acts as the main coordinator of the central government. He/she acts as a connection between the political framework and the common administrations of the nation. The duty of a Cabinet Secretary incorporates observing and coordinating activities of various services and departments.

Employment Opportunities for IAS Officer

IAS officer is a different career decision with a wide range of occasions to look over. For an IAS officer, there are a variety of work openings. Being an IAS officer, one can fill in as Personal Secretary to Ministers in Central Government. He/she can be appointed in autonomous organizations; subordinate organizations; PSUs; United Nations Organizations; international organizations, similar to World Bank, IMF, Asian Development Bank which offers deputation vacancies to IAS officers for unfamiliar postings. IAS officers can also find the opportunity of working in multilateral organizations like WTO, Commonwealth, SAARC, International Court of Justice, and so on.

In the career span of an IAS officer, he is qualified for a raise in salary and advancements. The advancements take place after evaluating the performance on the basis of Performance Appraisal Reports, vigilance clearance, and examination of an overall record of the officers worried about after laid down techniques. The investigation for advancement is finished by an advisory group of senior government employees comprised of the reason.

Advancements are reliant on the time span spent by an officer in a particular grade. A determined number of years of administration is a pre-imperative to be qualified for advancement. These time-bound advancements have been envisaged to attract and retain the best talent in the nation.

Perks of IAS officer

Salary, Perks, Powers of an IAS Officer are a portion of the motivators for the IAS Preparation. Facilities given to IAS Officers are among the best facilities simply second to the politician. Without an iota of uncertainty, being an IAS or IPS officer involves pride! Notwithstanding, in spite of all the forces and glory that the post of IAS officer brings to the table; aspirants actually are faced with analysis about the salary and remuneration that they appreciate. There is by all accounts a typical observation that administration officers including the highest level all-India administration officer including IAS, IPS officers; earn relatively lower salaries compared to their counterparts in a private area.

Obviously, the path to turning into an IAS officer requires dedication and hard work. The Civil Services exam for Indian Administrative Service isn’t an easy nut to crack, to say the least.

However, when you make it, there are a lot of advantages available like force, regard, various allowances, facilities, and fair salary checks.

Union Public Service Commission, UPSC conducts Civil Services Exam consistently which is the most searched after the exam of the nation. Lakhs of aspirants consistently attempt the exam and a couple manages to get past it. The exam in itself is a charismatic encounter for the aspirants because of the advantages the administrations offer. The candidates are often amped up for IAS’s salary, his occupation profile, the advantages these administrations give to the individuals who clear the exams, and become officers.

The inquiry is the reason is UPSC Civil Services the most searched after examination of India? What is so great about it? What makes it the most wanted employment in India? The answer to this lies in the advantages one gets after being chosen as an IAS officer.


IAS officers are qualified for a duplex bungalow in a (VVIP) limited zone of the state capital they are conveyed in. This advantage is appreciated by them independent of their posting in any other district/commissioner or the Headquarters.

Service Quarter:

Apart from home in the state capital, Indian Administrative Service officers are also given an assistance quarter at the place of their posting (particular district headquarters).


IAS officers are allotted at least 1 and a maximum of 3 official vehicles along with a driver/chauffeur for driving purposes. All cars would be given blue beacon light. Officers appointed in the boss secretary scale are allotted vehicles with a red beacon light. The administration also takes care of everything for fuel and maintenance costs of the vehicles allotted to the Indian Administrative Service officers.


IAS officers and their families are given the most extreme security. Generally, officers posted in state headquarters are allotted, 3 home guards, and 2 bodyguards. In case of a threat to their life, STF commandos may also be pondered for their assurance. For IAS officers posted as District Magistrate/Commissioner; they have the whole police power at their disposal and they are allowed to plan their security cover contingent on the need.


Unlike private company workers, IAS officers don’t have to take care of everything for the basic family benefits they use. For instance, power is either totally liberated from heavily financed for their official habitation. Similarly, they are allotted 3 BSNL SIM cards with free Talktime, SMS, and Internet administrations. They are also given free BSNL landline association and a broadband association at home.


For both official and unofficial excursions; IAS officers appreciate financed accommodation at circuit houses, government bungalows, or rest houses in various states. For any visit to New Delhi; the IAS officer would be accommodated in the separate state Bhavan with all facilities.

Family unit Staff: IAS officers are also given family staff to take care of daily errands at their official habitation or administration quarter.

Study Leave:

Another awesome facility that is delighted in by IAS officers would be an official 2-4 year examination leave. Under this, IAS officers can take leave of as long as 4 years to learn at a presumed unfamiliar college the cost weight of which will be borne by the administration.

Miscellaneous Benefits: IAS officers also appreciate several different advantages as PF, Gratuity, Healthcare administrations, a lifetime annuity, and several other retirement benefits.

Unofficial advantages:

In addition to this, IAS officers also get welcome to all major functions happening in the district or zone of their purview. This would incorporate free tickets and passes for cricket matches, shows, parties, and others. Notwithstanding, because of work responsibilities attending these might not really be a part of their timetable except if accompanying some other VVIP.

These are only a portion of the major advantages and facilities that are appreciated by IAS officers in India. It is almost difficult to list down all the minor advantages delighted in by Indian Administrative Service officers in India. Be that as it may, the ones recorded above clearly demonstrate for what reason being an IAS officer is considered to the most searched after career decision in India.

IAS officer life

This is obviously that turning into an IAS officer is one of the loftiest and desirable careers for anyone. Directly from reputation to influence and cash everything can be achieved with this career. In any case, you should think about what is under the sparkling position profiles and glorification of this work. Heaps of duties and changes happen when you lead the life of an IAS officer.

This review will be all about the life of an IAS officer, to showcase you and to give you an idea about what’s the occupation like. In the event that you are an IAS aspirant and fascinate by the brilliance of the work, you have to think about the everyday routine of an IAS officer so a long time prior to experiencing it.

Lakhs of aspirants fill the structure each year with an aspiration to join Lal Bahadur Shashtri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA) which is the last and final advance prior to joining the obligation and dealing with carrying on with the life of an IAS officer. The life of an IAS officer is loaded up with energizing chances yet mind-twisting emergency management. In this article, we’ll give you a little look into the existence that’s waiting for you once you qualify for the desired IAS exam.

Life of an IAS officer at LBSNAA

The candidates who are suggested by the commission join the Lal Bahadur Shashtri National Academy of Administration, Mussorie, Uttrakhand where they meet their colleagues unexpectedly. The total duration of the training time of Indian Administrative Service officers is 2 years which is partitioned into:

Foundation Course:

All the candidates who are suggested for Grade A posts including IAS, IPS, and IFS are welcome to join a 3-month-foundation course at LBSNAA. Thereafter, candidates of various administrations join their particular academies for training. While IFS join Foreign Services Institute in New Delhi, IRS officers join the National Academy of Direct Taxes, Nagpur and IAS officers have to stay back at LBSNAA.

Phase 1:

Starting with a 15-week training program at LBSNAA, Phase 1 training also incorporates Bharat Darshan which is an all India visit program for Indian Administrative Service officers. The academic module incorporates Policymaking, land management, soft aptitudes, venture management, national security, e-gov, and so on They start their day at 6 AM toward the beginning of the day with practice bores and then attend addresses followed by cultural activities at night.

Bharat Darshan:

In phase 1 training, the Indian Administrative Service probationers are separated into small gatherings and are taken on a visit through India. This is part of the training program for them to encounter the rich cultural variety and heritage of India.

District Training:

It is a year-long training at the district level where the officers study the administrative set up in a particular district by being a part of it.

Phase 2:

Phase 2 starts with sharing their encounters with the Phase 1 training program with their colleagues. Conversation meetings where the officers articulate their contemplations on various developmental challenges and issues and the ways to determine them are held during this period. Special meetings by recognized topic specialists are also held for them as a part of the learning exercise.

Assistant Secretary ship:

After finishing the acceptance training meeting, the officers join their particular deputation. They work under the joint secretary in the services for a couple of months.

Life of an IAS Officer

Indian Administrative Service

The candidates who clear all the rounds of UPSC common assistance examination, and are allotted for the occupation as Indian Administrative Service officers should participate in Lal Bahadur Sashtri Academy Of Administration. The IAS officers maintain an extremely exacting and restrained way of life. They should be up by 6’o check in the first part of the day and preparing for the practice meeting allotted for them. Here is a harsh timetable that will make you understand their morning schedule.

Morning exercise/horse riding training for an hour at 6 am.
Spare time for morning activities from 7 am to 9 am.
The routine incorporates eight to ten hours of academic activities and training including talks, sports, and other extracurricular activities as well.

Since the Indian Administrative Service officers’ positions are generally related to the administrative level, they become acquainted with the urban and rural India as well. The educational plan engaged in getting thought about India from a very grass root level is ‘Bharat Darshan’ or ‘India study visit’.

In these sorts of open-air activities, the Indian Administrative Service officers trainees do journeying, visits rural areas, get to know the rural way of life as well. The trainees are free for socializing and contacting their family and companions when supper time. This tight timetable of an Indian Administrative Service trainee officer is changed according to their advancement as an IAS officer.

The entire occupation is about twelve hours a day. It generally starts from 9 am and will in the general end at around 9 pm. In any case, when the work pressure is serious, it can take more hours. The entire employment incorporates checking daily reports; surveillance of various progressing tasks from various departments or districts, attending gatherings, and so on various government ventures, and their implementation towards the advancement of the nation is assessed by them as well.

As referenced before this is twelve hours work, yet it largely varies especially when there are crises like a natural disaster, disturbances and so on they generally coordinate with the help teams to carry on the serving system the correct way. The occupation of Indian Administrative Service officers and the life of an IAS officer is without a doubt fascinating. Being in the administration, it gives so much force so you can do useful for your general public and simultaneously you can protect your own existence with countless facilities.

IAS success stories

In present occasions where a significant wealthy adolescents cash their valuable time in pomposity, there is a current oppressed gathering of understudies who with their iron resolution are breaking all generalizations to reach brilliant statures in their career. One of many living examples is the fruitful common administration aspirants originating from varied backgrounds as low as being a child/daughter of a rickshaw puller or a road merchant.



We give you a couple of moving accounts of IAS achievement. We are certain these accounts of coarseness and determination will motivate you and move you towards your Indian Administrative Service dream!

In this manner, one can easily assume what amount of dedication, determination, perseverance, hard work, balance, center, and appetite to learn one must have so as to crack UPSC. These aspirants pretty much took an at some point to crack UPSC who didn’t know where their weaknesses laid. It is exceptionally moving and stories worth loving and with loads of feeling great factor that will make you want to prepare for UPSC with more force and zeal for the profession.

The exercise we learn is that no number of attempts can be sufficient until you learn how to crack the UPSC. You should never surrender on the off chance that you know why you will be an IAS officer. Wake up and smell the coffee, try harder, and will work!

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Become an IAS Officer?

There is no alternate way to progress. There is also no definite shot formula for progress. In any case, the examples of overcoming adversity of all clinchers reveal a couple of commonalities. These qualities and habits of clinchers which when assimilated in the right soul, combined with your own guided preparation strategy, can give you the UPSC achievement you dreamt of.

To become an IAS Officer, you have to qualify for the Union Public Service Commission Civil Services Exam (CSE). The exam itself is directed as a means to enlist government workers to one of the 25 administrations that involve the All India Services (IPA, IFS, and Indian Administrative Service), Central Services (IRS, Railways, and so on), and Group B administrations.

The exam is viewed as among the hardest in the nation, if not on the planet. Among the lakhs of candidates who apply for the exam, just a thousand some manage to break it into the Indian bureaucracy. The achievement rate of the UPSC Civil Service Exam (CSE) is in this manner under 1%.

The exam itself is organized into three parts – the Preliminary (Civil Services Aptitude Test – CSAT), Main Exam, and finally the Interview.
Candidates, finally selected, were only of the order of a thousand. Staggeringly steep, the opposition requires some genuine preparation, often for quite a long time.

What is the main work of IAS officer?

There are obligations central to all degrees of Indian Administrative Service Officer. The work of IAS Officers is associated with planning in their district, making choices on action to be taken. Putting plans down on paper and altering and/or clarifying them. Strategy making is another work of IAS Officer. When those approaches have been made and clarified, it is the Indian Administrative Service Officer’s duty to execute them, assuring standards and regulations are followed.
IAS Officer should also direct the advancement of activities in a wide range, from people in general to the corporate areas.

The work of the IAS officer should also screen assets for these undertakings, assuring that the assets are utilized for the proposed purposes. Additionally, the Indian Administrative Service officer must assess ventures, make recommendations, and give relevant information about activities, especially to parliament. Finally, Indian Administrative Service Officers will speak to the administration of India via boards of public corporations or foundations at national or international gatherings.

How many IAS officers are selected every year?

Nearly 1500 aspirants finally qualify to join the various central administrations like annual tax, postal, customs and extract, international concerns, and two all India benefits namely Indian Administrative Service and IPS.

Nearly 80 to 100 aspirants who are generally at the highest point of the legitimacy list are allotted to the Indian Administrative Service contingent upon the numbers required. Nearly 80 to 100 aspirants who have settled on IPS are allocated to that administration. The rest is distributed to the central administrations. Unfamiliar assistance usually gets the clinchers also yet just the individuals who have selected that administration.

How many IAS officer in India?

The total quality of Indian administrative administration officers in India is 5196(in 2016). out of which Uttar Pradesh created most noteworthy quantities of its officers 1078(up to 2016) trailed by Delhi and Bihar.

After being chosen in the UPSC exam, candidates go through training at LBSNAA, Mussoorie for Indian Administrative Service. There is one cadre in each Indian state, aside from three joint cadres: Assam and Meghalaya Manipur and Tripura and Arunachal Pradesh, Goa, Mizoram, association domains (AGMUT).

The allocation of cadres is done in the ratio of 1:2 as insiders and untouchables. after 1 year of the period at LBSNAA, they are posted as an assistant authority or (ADM) in the selection of his/her care. After serving 2/3 years as the ADM, the officer is chosen as the District Magistrate/Collector of a district. The authority takes care of the turn of events and the law and requests of the district. The post has wide permeability, force, and status. after 12 years of administration.

The person in question may remain a DM in the district or can turn into a Special Secretary of a Government department. Some of the officers are posted as a Joint Secretary of service of the state. The Joint Secretary is an important situation to hold.

On the off chance that an officer goes to the central deputation, at that point he is given the chief post of a department. In states, an Indian Administrative Service of this grade can turn into a Principle Secretary of a department. In the event that the officer works in the Government of India, at that point, the rank will be of an Additional Secretary.

Who is the first IAS officer in India?

Satyendranath Tagore was the first Indian to join the ICS(Indian common Services) in 1863 (He was only 21 years old when he cracked the exam). He hailed from the famous Tagore family of Calcutta (one of the most astute families in India ). He was the senior sibling of Rabindranath Tagore. (ICS after 1947 known as Indian Administrative Service (IAS)).

Charter Act of 1853 abolished the patronage framework and presented the arrangement of open Competition as the basis of choice of Civil Services. The ICS Act of 1861 established the Indian Civil Service and see the beauty of Indian personalities Satyendranath Tagore crack this exam in June 1863. (Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose had also cleared the ICS in 1920 decisively.)

Around then to appear in this exam is a herculean task because It was a daunting task to go to England and rival the British for a situation.(Despite many obstacles like exam led distinctly in London, lack of financial assets, Greek and Hebrew languages are necessary and so forth)

How to become an IAS officer after 12th?

It is absurd to expect to become an IAS Officer just in the wake of finishing the 12th standard. The essential qualification measures needed to show up for this test is – competitors must have Graduate Degree from a perceived University/Institute!

So as to turn into an IAS Officer, you should apply for the CSE test directed by the UPSC. You should likewise break the test (primer, mains, and meeting) so as to get chosen for the preparation. So in fact, twelfth passed understudies can’t show up for this test just after twelfth. Subsequent to finishing twelfth, they should finish Graduation first. In the wake of finishing the Graduation program effectively, they may make an effort and CSE and become an IAS Officer in this manner!

Why you want to become an IAS officer?

Aside from being an appealing vocation choice alongside advantages, for example, great bundle and professional stability, common administrations offer a stage for a contender to serve the nation at various levels, work for the government assistance of the oppressed and contribute towards the country’s turn of events.

The greater part of the competitor’s fantasy about turning into an Indian Administrative Service official because of specific reasons which are genuinely determined.

Not many of those passionate reasons are-You were denied openings previously or You have been a survivor of some shamefulness by our administrative framework or You may have a place from an exceptionally helpless family and have seen difficulties, battle or You wish to make your darlings glad or You have been an underachiever before or You dream to meander into a representative with red front lamp You were not fruitful in tests like IIT/IIM/AIIMS/NITs/IISC/GATE/NDA/PCS or get into top colleges or top organizations on the off chance that, you end up getting ready for common administrations assessment due to above reasons, at that point you have to reconsider as Union Public Service Commission doesn’t direct Civil Services Exam to give us equity, to fulfill our inner self or to improve our societal position.

Union Public Service needs applicants who are self-propelled for the government assistance of the general public and the individuals who will help in the usage of strategies set somewhere near the focal government.