How To Write SEO Friendly Content.

How To Write SEO Friendly Content.

Do you want to build a website or a blog audience, then you should know how to write SEO friendly content.

Well, writing content is one of the biggest challenges that a blogger or a content creator might face in his/her career.

But if you master this art with SEO friendly content then you can take your writing career to the next level.

Now the question arises that how to create SEO friendly content to achieve the goals?

Here is your answer: Anyone can write an article, but it takes a special kind of strategy and practice to write SEO optimized articles that’s why the SEO copywriters are so expensive.

But don’t worry you can do this by yourself follow these simple rules to make your content rank well on google?

And this what you will be going to learn in this article. Which will cover?

  • Always Start with research
  • Do keywords research
  • Decide your Article Length
  • Page Title and Meta Title
  • Meta Description
  • Image File Name
  • Image Alt Tag
  • Internal link
  • Remove Slug
  • Header Tags

Let’s get started…

How To Start Writing SEO Friendly Content.

1. Always Start With Research.

If you think that you can really make a difference for yourself or for your clients, without doing any research, then you are simply shooting in the dark.

So before you start writing content you should determine a few things.

  • Search targeted Keyword
  • Article Length
  • Article type
  • Start Analyzing the existing articles to get an idea.
  • People will also ask questions

There are many powerful tools to analyze all these things and which can give you better results too. These will help you to understand which keyword is right for your article.

2. Do keywords Research.

To see what kind of articles are currently ranking put your target keyword in the Google search. This will help you to understand what kind of article Google thinks is better for such queries as it is part of the research.

You may notice some variations in the search result. For example, certain queries will only show listicles.

3. Article Length.

To identify what is the idle word limit you should have to increase your chance for ranking on the first page use a writing assistant.

Ensure that your SEO optimized article should be at least 2100+ words and not minimum then 500 words.

So, once you are ready with these data, now is the time to create an outline.

Analyze your target keywords which have the top 10 results. We know it’s a lot of tasks but again, if your goal is to Rank#1 on search, you need to take these extra steps to stand out.

Create an outline of your content according to your understanding, It’s a good time to learn about brainstorming.

4. People will also ask questions.

Google search for your target keyword and it will show a section called “people also ask”.

Answer the question which makes sense to your article intent. But, don’t stop here, Google will add more questions whenever you will click on one of the questions.

This is a smart way to ensure that your SEO optimized content answers most of the queries that people are looking for.

Alright, now it’s time to start writing SEO friendly content.

  • Post Title and Meta Title

Now before going forward first, you need to understand the difference between post title and meta title.

  1. Post title: It is the main title which your reader sees on your website.
  2. Post meta title: How your post is shown by the search engines in search results.

If a meta title is not specified in your SEO settings, then your post title will be treated as the meta title.

It is always important to have your keywords in the meta title.

  • Meta Description

Every SEO plugin in WordPress allows you to add meta descriptions to a post. These descriptions play a major role in search engine ranking.

Now let’s take an example: Think of a meta description as a sales copy for your blog post:

You need to add your keywords and create a description that is seductive enough for users to click on it, but it should be in 156 characters.

So if you have not added any meta descriptions in the past, you should start doing it immediately. But make sure to add your main keyword in the meta description and make it intent-driven.

In a website or blog, Meta descriptions are very important.

If you have missed it in any of your previously published posts then you should go back and add one.

By optimizing your post meta descriptions, you are ensuring that your every post has the potential to drive a maximum amount of traffic to your site.

Your every blog post is a different web page according to Google so its a plus for you to rank your every post for certain keywords.

Meta descriptions are always great places to put keywords.

  • Image Alt Attribute

Do you know this fact that Google can’t read images?

  1. Google recognizes an image in Text.

You must be sure to use proper image names to ensure that search engines can understand what an image is about.

Many people upload the images with names like image001.jpg which is a huge mistake.

You can always add alt attributes manually whenever you upload an image.

We have seen positive results when using keywords in the image anchor text, so you should at least use keywords in your image alt text.

5. Remove Slug.

Slugs should not contain Stop Words. Words like “a” “an” and many others which are listed in a permalink are ignored by the search engines.

Usually, our post titles contain lots of stop words.

For example, while writing a post with the title:

5 ways to learn digital marketing

So, by default our post permalink, would be:

Please note that never try to change your post permalink once it is published.

6. Header Tags.

The right heading tags are another important aspect of SEO copywriting.

Using proper H1, H2, and H3 heading tags are one of the most important aspects of SEO.

In any SEO-optimized theme, the post title uses an H1 heading tag by default. So you can use an H2 heading, and then H3 heading for the next sub-headings, and so on.

For effective SEO writing, it is always a good idea to use proper heading tags, especially when you are writing a long post.

It’s a good idea to use your keywords in H1, H2, and H3 tags according to the SEO community.

You should decide what your heading tags should be while the creation of an outline.

These were some of the most effective ways to write SEO friendly content.

Let us know if you have any other suggestions for SEO writing or any questions regarding it in the comment section.

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