Is Content King? Why?

Is Content King Why

Bill Gates once famously said, “Content is King”. Content Marketing is not really a new idea in the world of digital marketing. However, in recent times, it has been growing exponentially. It is slowly making its way forward and toward the eye of the general public. It is a crucial element in digital marketing because it reaps high rewards.

However, one type of content does not fit all businesses and organizations when it comes to content marketing. Instead, you should focus on the content that is tailored to the needs of your own business. The content should be authentic, engaging. unique, and readable. You may use text, images, videos, or infographics to develop the relevant content for your business.

So, the question arises, why is content king? Here’s why:

1. Directly Connected to SEO

Unique and high-quality content is always a plus point for the website of a business. It has a significant impact on the overall SEO for a number of reasons such as; content gives you the means to add the keywords relevant to your website. You can also add internal links and external links by means of content. It helps your website rank organically in the Search Engine Results Page (SERP).
High ranking results in more visibility to the consumers and which ultimately results in more consumers. Consistently publishing content on your website also increases your authority, which is one of the highest-ranking factors in the Google Search algorithm.

2. Encourages Engagement

Good quality content essentially encourages users to engage with your content. The engagement may be in many forms, such as likes, comments, shares, etc. Content can only be King if you make the users feel like royalty. You may even give the users a call to action through the content.
If the content is not interesting and engaging for the users, it is possible that the user will just keep scrolling past your content. The whole purpose of developing content would be defeated. You also need to make sure that the content can be shared easily. The best way to make sure of it is through social media.

3. Generation New Leads

Having good content creates brand authority and awareness in a saturated market. It has the potential to increase sales and generate new leads. However, you need to may sure not to approach the users boldly and blatantly through the content. It should be advertorial in nature. Product-oriented content can have a negative effect on the brand image. Subtly advocating your brand is a better idea.

4. Adding Value To Product Or Service

Content that directly addresses a product or service of a brand generally received well by the consumers because it solves s direct problem. Even though it is King, Content doesn’t have a monetary value. However, its value can be observed from the brand image it creates, and the relationship of the consumers with the brand. Content that is informational and adds value to the consumers by educating them through know-how videos and how-to blog posts is ideal.

5. Increases Traffic

Content marketing and SEO are essentially focussed on driving more and more traffic to your website. Original and high-quality content is great for SEO. It drives traffic and keeps the users engaged on the website. For instance, a website that only has a homepage and a contact page will have a higher bounce rate and little engagement. However, if you have engaging content for a variety of users, they may prefer to explore, engage, and may visit multiple pages within a session.

Is Content King Why

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