Who Can Give CAT Exam?

Who Can Give CAT Exam

CAT or Common Admission Test is one of the most popular entrance exams in India. It is the doorway to get into one of the 20 IIMs in the country. Every year, thousands of students attend the exam, just so they can get admission to one of the best B-schools in India. But not everyone can take the exam. There is a proper eligibility criterion for CAT & Who can give CAT Exam. One should be sure that he/she checks out the eligibility criteria before they begin their preparation.

Eligibility Criteria for CAT Exam

The CAT eligibility is the same every year, and we can expect it would be the same this year too. The following are the eligibility criteria for people who want to take the CAT exam:

  • One has to complete their bachelor’s degree with not less than 50%. The percentage is 45% for SC/ST and differently-abled students. The university should be recognized by the MHRD.
  • If one has completed his/her professional degrees with over 50% (SC/ST/DA with over 45%), they are also eligible for the exam.
  • Final year students with all bachelor’s degrees can also apply for the exam. But if selected, they are required to clear their bachelor’s with the given percentage by the time of selection. If they fail to do so, their result in the further admission processes would be cancelled.
  • There is a section for work experience; this condition is not a mandatory requirement. There is some weightage of work experience in the later stages of the admission process in IIMs. But, work experience will not affect the scores or eligibility.  
  • There is no age limit for the CAT entrance exam. People of all ages can take the exam.

So, if you check out all these above criteria, you’re completely ready to start your preparations for the CAT entrance exam. Give your best to preparations and practice hard to ace your CAT exam, and earn yourself a seat in a top b-school.

Happy preparations to you!