What Is an Honorary Doctorate Degree?

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Unlike a typical degree that is earned through academic achievements, an honorary doctorate is awarded by a university to an individual who has made immense contributions to a university, a particular field, or to society. It is an extraordinary recognition reflecting a person’s exceptional accomplishments or altruistic actions that benefit a nation, a community, or humanity in general.

Politicians, philanthropists, scientists, authors, and musicians are just some of the people who receive due acknowledgement for their archetypal accomplishments that serve a greater purpose. Awardees of an honorary PhD initially go through a nomination and selection process. Once selected, a distinguished panel, which may comprise of the school’s provost, chancellor, or honorary committee, reviews the nominations to arrive at a final decision. Nevertheless, some universities that grant this accolade allow candidates to apply for consideration for this illustrious degree.

A candidate doesn’t have to be an alumnus of the university bestowing the honorary doctorate degree. Still, most schools normally choose one of their own graduates or someone who made a remarkable contribution to the school. A perk of this distinguished degree is that a recipient may choose to use the title of “Doctor,” as conferred by the degree, without having to complete a doctoral program.

Criteria for Awarding Honorary Doctorate Degree

Candidates for the award or nominating parties must submit a nomination form along with the candidates’ biographies before a specified deadline. The selection panel mentioned in the previous section reviews the all submitted documentation, shortlists their choices, and presents their recommendations to the board of trustees, the governing faculty, or the university president himself.

It’s the school or university’s responsibility to notify all accepted honorees. The degrees are then conferred during regular commencement ceremonies. And here’s a catch; recipients are expected to make generous donations to the university giving the award.

It should be noted that many colleges and universities set out their own stringent criteria for candidates being considered for the degree. As already mentioned, individuals with exemplary accomplishments are singled out for the honorary doctorate, but such must be sustained achievements.

A few universities have age restrictions or want the honoree to personally accept the degree. Some, on the other hand, have no problem conferring the award posthumously. In such a case, a member of the honoree’s family or one of his colleagues can accept the degree on his behalf.

Different Types of Honorary Doctorate Degree

There different types of this degree, each one presented based on the achievement of the honoree. Perhaps the most popular of these is the Doctor of Philosophy or honorary PhD degree. Some examples of honorary doctorates based on the honoree’s accomplishments are:

That said, you may be awarded an honorary PhD or any of the abovementioned depending on your field of expertise. Why, though, is such a degree so prestigious and important?

Why Get an Honorary Doctorate Degree?

This honorary degree’s concept started in the 1400s, with it being deemed a prestigious award held in reserve for an individual who is the epitome of a university’s exemplary standards. As already alluded to, it is given as an honor while foregoing all the usual requirements for school awards such as course credits completion, dissertation, examinations, attendance, and even matriculation. Also, as mentioned in the get-go, an honoree doesn’t need to have prior connection to the university granting the award.

What makes the honorary doctorate even more remarkable is that you don’t need to have formal higher education or a prior doctorate to receive it. As long as you have created positive changes in society, a university may choose to recognize and honor you with an honorary doctorate degree. That is why this degree is also called honaris causa.

Nevertheless, what if you have had remarkable impacts on society but no one is nominating you for such a prestigious award? Here’s a fact: you can have it if you want it. So, the question is how to get an honorary degree that is as legitimate as it comes? The simple answer is: buy it online.

Now, you’re probably thinking, “If I buy the degree online, doesn’t that make it fake?” No, not necessarily, as you’ll see in the next section.

Why Is Buying an Online Degree More Practical?

These days, advancements in technology have made life so much easier. No longer do you need to go out of your house to buy groceries, food, or clothes. You can even work from home with limited interaction with your colleagues thanks to the Internet. Online technology has become so sophisticated, that it’s made buying an online degree possible.

Granted, an honorary doctorate is a special degree, and as we have already established earlier, it is not awarded because of academic excellence or achievement. Nevertheless, if you want to receive it, you will need to have spent a considerable amount of time in school and be an actual holder of a university degree.

Of course, formal education is still the way to go. However, there are immense benefits to buying online degrees, too. Four years or more of university education can burn the bank, and not everyone is blessed with the financial means to go through such. In addition, busy adults can’t always spare time to attend actual classes. By buying an online degree, either scenario is eliminated. Still, why will you need a degree, more so an honorary doctorate for that matter?

What Purpose Will an Honorary Doctorate Degree Serve?

When you have this degree, it will open numerous doors of opportunity for you – opportunity for a well-deserved promotion, a higher pay, and overall career advancement, among others. You may be one of those people who may not have gone through years of university education but have the skills and smarts to excel in your chosen industry. Unfortunately, not all employers are broad-minded.

Unless you have that piece of paper that you call a degree to dangle before them, most employers will not give you the time of day. Instead, they will give priority to applicants who can show proof that they have graduated from university. Also, some employers are more likely to give a promotion to an employee with “badges of honor” in their resume.

In some instances, your employer will ask you to enrol in an online program while working for him to give you a chance to hone your skills or even add to them. They do that so you can be more productive at work and, thereby, be considered for future promotions. While that is a good idea, online classes will still require time and effort on your part.

It’s in cases like these when companies like expressuniversitydegree.com step up to the plate. You can have the degree you need to certify your skills and knowledge and establish your chance for a promotion.

When you buy an honorary degree from such a company, you will have the opportunity to contend for a top-paying position. Moreover, you put yourself in the running for a promotion even if you didn’t go through the normal nomination and selection process. Why is that? Because your resume says you received that extraordinary recognition, and you have that piece of paper to stake your claim.

It’s the best solution if you’re a busy adult who knows his worth and knows he is deserving of that promotion or career opportunity. You know your capabilities, and you’re more than right for the position. A piece of paper should not hold you back from grabbing that chance, not when you can order it from the comfort of your home and wait for it to be delivered to your doorstep. Not only will this option save you time, effort, and money. It will also cost less than what you will have paid had you attended a traditional school.

You may be apprehensive about buying a degree online because you feel it lacks value than a normal, hard-earned degree. You may even think an online degree is fake. However, that is not the case. An online degree provides the same merits a regular degree does. How is that so?

An online degree is not counterfeit. Online degrees from the aforementioned company are legitimate. The company is accredited by world-renowned universities, so the degrees they issue are certifiable. You can even call the issuing university to verify the authenticity of the degree you purchased. What’s more, the company will let you choose from which university to get the degree, as well as field of study to indicate on it. 

If you’re still wondering how to get an honorary degree, it’s fairly easy. You only need to fill out an online form, submit the necessary documents, pay the fees, and Express University Degree will do the rest. You will receive a degree package no sooner after you have covered all bases. Before you know it, you’ll be holding your honorary degree in your hands.

Buy an honorary degree now, and add more prestigious qualifications to your CV. By doing so, you’ll be putting yourself in line for any position you desire, with promises of a wonderful future for you and your family in the horizon.