These Steps Can Help You Turn Your Internship Into a Full-Time Job

Turn Your Internship Into A Full Time Job

People take internships for a variety of reasons. Some simply do it for the purpose of learning, some do it for earning some pocket money and a lot of people take up internships with the hopes of turning it into a full-time opportunity. While working hard and smartly is the way to go when you intend to go from an intern to an employee, there are several other things that can help you with the same and increase your chances of being successful. Here are some steps that can help you turn your Internship into a full-time job.

Understand The Field Test And Crack It –

A field test is any major responsibility that your senior might give you and is closely related to the position you are looking for. These responsibilities are provided by your manager with the aim of testing your skills and handling real-life situations.

Try to understand what work provided to you is your field test and make sure you excel in the work given. You need to work on the way you deal with your workplace situations. Focus on finding solutions to the problems you or your company might be facing instead of constantly reporting problems. A problem solver is mostly a definite full-time hire.

While having a full-time job is a lot about what you do, external factors matter equally. Looking for companies that are doing well, are in good shape, and aim to grow and hire are always a better choice because these companies actually ‘need’ to hire to grow. The same goes for the selection of departments in the company you might be finding a full-time opportunity in.

Campus Ambassador Program

Turn Your Internship Into A Full Time Job can sometimes be a challenging affair. But if you take on additional responsibilities than what was mentioned in your pre-working job description, you will leave a good impression, that doesn’t guarantee a full-time opportunity but definitely raises your chances.

A majority of times, employers are looking for people genuinely interested in the company and the work it is doing. While you can’t control the competition in terms of quality of the work other interns are putting up. You can definitely have an edge by showing your employers the excitement and enthusiasm you have about the company.

Furthermore, if you understand the fact that even small contributions you make help the company in some way or the other and ties with the big picture of the company, believe that you are on the right path.

Are you being invited to party by your colleagues? Are you being asked to be an active part of fun interactions in the company? While a lot of factors can be attributed towards this happening to you. You can be cheerful that this might actually be a good sign for turning into a full time hire.

The most important thing is whether you learn something from an internship or not. Even if you don’t end up having a full-time role, make sure your learning is enough to compensate for everything else.

Rishabh Mehta Career Counselor

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