Best Ways To Learn Big Data

Learn Big Data

In this digital trend, Data gathering and data analysis have become a number one priority, a large amount of data is being generated every second across the world. With this increasing amount of data growing, the management of data efficiently has become a priority job. Hence here comes the concept of learning BIG DATA, one of the most promising technologies of the decade.

What is Big Data?

Prior to learning big data, we need to understand what this term means. As the name suggests, BIG DATA refers to the vast amount of structured and unstructured data that business processes create on a day to day basis, and it’s growing exponentially with time. The data is being generated in multi-terabyte quantities that it has become impossible to be stored and processed using conventional methods within the given time frame.

For example, we have around twenty terabytes of image files upon which certain processing needs to be done like we want to resize and enhance the images within a given time frame, so traditional computers can’t do the same so we refer these image files as big data.

Big Data In Trend

Big data analytics has become the most promising technologies in the market today. It is used by every industry to get insights that lead to strategic business moves and for making data-driven decisions .therefore, the demand for big data professionals such as data architect, data scientist and many more with a skill set is on the rise.

Learning BIG DATA can be your best investment and can reward you with skills that you require not only in working for big data but also in your day to day life.

Learning Big Data

Big Data is a bunch of technologies, so we need to exercise the prerequisites step by step:

Learning Unix/Linux Operating system: Big Data tools are compatible with interfacing these operating systems, so it becomes very handy when you are familiar with shell scripting.

Learning programming language: Python/Java
Big Data technology needs to be written in a programming language code and the most suited is python followed by Java

Learning Big Data Technologies

Companies are investing a huge amount in big data technologies and its market is growing exponentially, therefore there is a need to learn the trending big data technologies. As we are thorough with a programming language that means we are ready for learning concepts such as Apache Hadoop, Spark.

Hadoop Ecosystem:

It is the most common and popular big data technology used. Hadoop based products are growing in number, and many vendors support the Hadoop ecosystem. If you want to learn Big Data, it’s good to start with the Hadoop.

Apache Spark

Apache Spark is the alternative — and in many aspects the successor — of Apache Hadoop. Moreover, Analysts were able to overcome the shortcoming of Hadoop using this technology. Spark is the processing engine for Big data in Hadoop, and it is faster than the Hadoop engine. The vendors of Hadoop also allow Spark-based products.

NoSQL Databases

These are the special databases that specialize in unstructured data usage and storage. The popular databases are MongoDB, Cassandra, etc, are the best performing tools.

R Software

R Software is an open-source programming language specially available for statistical analysis. This software environment and language is very popular among data scientists with its user-friendly IDE.

Predictive Analytics

This technology involves the use of data mining and modeling along with machine learning to predict future behaviors or events. This is widely common in marketing, finance, credit score, fraud detection, etc.

Prescriptive Analytics

This part of data analytics helps in offering advice to the companies regarding what and how should they do for desired results.

Other Popular Big Data Tools


Apache Hive is another popular big data tool that helps in querying and managing huge datasets. It supports a query language for data modeling and interaction and allows programmers to analyze datasets using tasks defined in Java and Python. we can use it for querying structured data only, but it reduces the complex programming of Map Reduce for the users.


The Storm is another Apache product, a real-time framework for data stream processing, which supports any programming language. Also, It balances the workload between multiple nodes based on topology configuration and works well with Hadoop HDFS.

Big data learning
Big data learning

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