UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (22-10-2019)

upsc exam current affairs 22-10-2019

Highlights |UPSC Exam Current Affairs 22-10-2019

Current Affairs and News (22-10-2019)- The following article contains all the updated events and news for IAS Preparation. Our daily IAS Current Affairs and News cover the most important topics to give precise information to the reader and IAS Aspirants.

  • Annual Crime in India Report 2017
  • Many hydropower projects could face closure
  • Col. Chewang Rinchen Setu
  • Regulation of Social Media

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UPSC Exam Current Affairs 22-10-2019 are followed in the part below:

UPSC Exam Current Affairs and News Analysis (22-10-2019)

Annual Crime in India Report 2017

Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains IIIโ€“Security

In News

  • Following a postponement of two years, the yearly Crime in India Report 2017 was distributed by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB)
  • A portion of the discoveries of the report are:
  • Delhi had the most noteworthy wrongdoing rate in the nation with 1050 violations submitted per one lakh of the populace as recorded under the Indian Penal Code
  • Wrongdoing against ladies:
  • 3,59,849 instances of wrongdoing against ladies were accounted for in the nation in 2017an increase of 6% as for 2016 figures
  • Uttar Pradesh beat the rundown with 56,011 cases pursued by Maharashtra with 31,979 cases and West Bengal 30,002
  • Dominant part of bodies of evidence under wrongdoings against ladies were enlisted under ‘Brutality by Husband or his Relatives’ (27.9%) trailed by ‘Ambush on Women with Intent to Outrage her Modesty’ (21.7%), ‘Grabbing and Abduction of Women’ (20.5%) and ‘Assault’ (7.0%)
  • Revolting: 58,880 episodes of revolting were accounted for, of which the most extreme occurrences were accounted for from Bihar โ€“ 11,698, trailed by Uttar Pradesh โ€“ 8,990 and Maharashtra โ€“ 7,743
  • Of the all-out mobs detailed, public and partisan uproars represented 723 and 183 episodes individually. There were 805 mobs because of rank clash and 1909 mobs happened because of political reasons,
  • SC/ST Prevention of Atrocities Act: The occurrences enlisted under this demonstration saw an expansion from 5,082 out of 2016 to 5,775 out of 2017.
  • Episodes of wrongdoing identified with Scheduled Tribes dunked from 844 of every 2016 to 720 out of 2017
  • Grabbing/Abduction: An aggregate of 95,893 instances of hijacking and kidnapping were enrolled during 2017, indicating an expansion of 9.0% more than 2016 (88,008 cases).
  • The NCRB just because gathered information on the circulation of “bogus/counterfeit news and rumors.”Under the classification, most extreme episodes were accounted for from Madhya Pradesh (138), Uttar Pradesh (32) and Kerala (18).

About NCRB

  • NCRB was set-up in 1986 to work as an archive of data on wrongdoing and hoodlums in order to help the agents in connecting wrongdoing to the culprits, in light of the proposals of the National Police Commission (1977-1981)
  • It was set up by consolidating the Directorate of Coordination and Police Computer (DCPC), Inter-State Criminals Data Branch of CBI, Central Finger Print Bureau of CBI, and Statistical Branch of BPR&D.
  • NCRB was endowed with the obligation regarding checking, planning and actualizing the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems (CCTNS) venture in the year 2009. The undertaking associates 15000+ police headquarters and 6000 higher workplaces of police in the nation.
  • In 2017, NCRB propelled National Digital Police Portal-It permits scan for a criminal/suspect on the CCTNS database separated from giving different administrations to residents like documenting of objections on the web and looking for predecessor check of inhabitants, local help, drivers

Many hydropower projects could face closure

Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains III โ€“ Economy

In News

  • India’s hydropower ventures that don’t conform to the Center’s environmental stream notice, which commands that undertaking engineers guarantee a base stockpile of water all as the year progressed, could confront the conclusion.
  • Force makers by and large crowd water to make stores to expand power generation.
  • Focal Water Commission (CWC) has been entrusted to find out real streams and the measure of water present in the waterways
  • The e-stream notice determines that the upper stretches of the Ganga โ€” from its sources in the ice sheets and until Haridwar โ€” would need to keep up:
    • 20% of the month to month normal progression of the former 10-days among November and March, which is the dry season
    • 25% of the normal during the ‘lean period’ of October, April and May; and
    • 30% of month to month normal during the storm a very long time of June-September.

Col. Chewang Rinchen Setu

Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains I โ€“ Geography

In News

  • The Siachen icy mass is “now open” for voyagers and the travel industry after the government initiated a deliberately significant extension on the Shyok stream in Eastern Ladakh.
  • The ‘Col. Chewang Rinchen Setu’ was developed by the Border Roads Organization (BRO) at an elevation of 14,650 feet in the forward zone of Ladakh district
  • This scaffold has been finished in record time. It won’t just give all-climate availability in the district yet additionally be a key resource in the fringe zones,
  • From Siachen Base Camp to Kumar Post, the whole territory has been opened for the travel industry purposes
  • There is as of now a military encouraged regular citizen trek from the Siachen Base Camp to the Kumar post situated at around 15,500 feet. While it should be yearly, it was dropped on a few events because of climate and fringe pressures.

Do You Know?

  • Colonel Chewang Rinchen (1931 โ€“ 1997) was an exceptionally finished official in the Indian Army from the Ladakh district. He was one of just six Indian help workforce to have twice won the Maha Vir Chakra (MVC), the second most elevated Indian heroism beautification.
  • Working heavily influenced by the Ministry of Defense since 2015, the BRO is occupied with street development to give network to troublesome and blocked off districts in the fringe regions of the nation.
  • The profoundly gifted BRO staff attempted and effectively finished the development of the Delaram-Zaranj Highway in Afghanistan in 2008.

Regulation of Social Media

Part of: GS Prelims and GS Mains II โ€“ Governance

In News

  • The Government has expressed that Information Technology Intermediaries Guidelines (Amendment) Rules would be told by January 15, 2020. These would be the new rules to control online life.
  • This is in the light of regularly developing dangers to singular rights and the country’s honesty, power, and security.
  • On the off chance that from one perspective innovation has prompted monetary development and cultural advancement, then again there has been an exponential ascent in abhor discourse, counterfeit news, open request, against national exercises, abusive postings, and other unlawful exercises utilizing Internet/online networking stages.
  • Online networking delegates like Facebook and WhatsApp have contended this would prompt loss of individual protection.



TOPIC: General Studies 3:

  • Indian Economy and issues identifying with arranging, activation of assets, development, improvement, and work.
  • Comprehensive development and issues emerging from it.
  • Financial analysts Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo, who, alongside Michael Kremer, won the 2019 Nobel Prize for Economics for their “exploratory way to deal with easing worldwide destitution”,
  • The three embraced a proof-based way to deal with apply hypothesis to genuine circumstances utilizing randomized preliminaries and surveying the results.
  • The exertion was to comprehend the effect of mediations to accomplish attractive results.
  • The methodology is gotten from the idea of clinical preliminaries in the pharmaceuticals business.
  • They have distributed another book, Good Economics for Hard Times. The book clarifies where the economy has fizzled, where philosophy has blinded us, and where and why great financial matters is helpful, particularly in this day and age

“new test based” approach:

  • The “new, incredible asset” utilized by the Laureates is the utilization of Randomized Control Trials (or RCTs). So on the off chance that one needed to comprehend in the case of giving a portable inoculation van as well as a sack of grains would boost locals to immunize their children, at that point under an RCT, town family units would be partitioned into four gatherings.
  • Gathering A would be furnished with a versatile inoculation van office, Group B would be given a sack of foodgrains, Group C would get both, and Group D would get not one or the other.
  • Families would be picked indiscriminately to guarantee there was no predisposition, and that any distinction in immunization levels was basically a result of the “intercession”.
  • Gathering D is known as the “control” gathering while others are classified “treatment” gatherings. Such an analysis would show whether an arrangement activity works, yet would likewise give a proportion of the distinction it realizes.
  • It would likewise show what happens when more than one activities are consolidated. This would assist policymakers with having the proof before they pick an arrangement.


  • Development in India, similar to that in China, will slow. Furthermore, there is no assurance it will slow when India has arrived at a similar degree of per capita salary as China.
  • Numerous business analysts stress that there might be such an incredible concept as the center salary trap, a middle-level GDP where nations stall out or about stuck.
  • As indicated by the World Bank, of 101 center salary economies in 1960, just 13 had become high pay by 2008. Malaysia, Thailand, Egypt, Mexico, and Peru all appear to experience difficulty climbing.
  • We know next to no concerning why a few nations stall out however others don’t. (Ex: south Korea developed yet others dint)
  • Later “business cordial” nature to protect development might be deciphered, as it was in the U.S. what’s more, the U.K. in the Reagan-Thatcher period, advance the top workers at the expense of every other person and fail to help development. ( IMF likewise censures this)
  • In this circumstance, the political kickback prompts the appointment of populist pioneers touting supernatural occurrence arrangements that once in a while work and frequently lead to Venezuela-style catastrophes.
  • Extreme objective stays one of raising the personal satisfaction of the normal individual and particularly the most exceedingly terrible off individual.
  • A higher GDP might be one manner by which this can be given to poor people, yet it is just one of the ways.

Way forward:

  • Dispose of the most offensive wellsprings of waste in their economy
  • Improve the welfare of their residents
  • Improve wellbeing and training


  • An unmistakable spotlight on the prosperity of the least fortunate offers the plausibility of changing a large number of lives considerably more significant than we could by finding the formula to build development from 2% to 2.3% in the rich nations.

Connecting the dots:

  • In spite of the best endeavors of the ages of financial analysts, the profound instruments of relentless monetary development stay tricky. Look at


TOPIC: General Studies 3:

  • Indian Economy and issues identifying with arranging, activation of assets, development, advancement, and work.
  • Comprehensive development and issues emerging from it.

Asiaโ€™s remarkable Economic Transformation

Asian economy in 19th Century:

  • Asia represented 66% of the total populace and in excess of a portion of world pay.
  • Asia contributed in excess of a portion of assembling generation on the planet economy.

Decay of Asia in twentieth Century:

  • Expansionism and dominion.
  • Asia’s offer in world salary had plunged to 15%,
  • Asia’s Share in world assembling had dropped to 6%.
  • End of the Twentieth Century, Asia turned into the most unfortunate mainland.
  • Its segment and social markers of advancement, among the most exceedingly terrible anyplace, embodied its underdevelopment.

Ascent of Asia in the 21st Century:

  • Asia has seen a significant change as far as the financial advancement of countries and living states of individuals.
  • Presently it represented 30% of world salary, 40% of world assembling, and over 33% of world exchange.
  • This change was inconsistent crosswise over nations and between individuals.

Why unequal?

  • Decent variety of Asia. (geographical size, inserted chronicles, frontier inheritances, patriot developments, introductory conditions, characteristic asset gifts, populace size, pay levels, and political frameworks)
  • The dependence on business sectors and the level of transparency in economies changed significantly.
  • Assorted variety in governmental issues (dictator systems or theocracies to political majority rules systems)
  • Assorted variety in philosophies (socialism to state free enterprise and private enterprise)

Economic Development:

  • Development was driven by quick industrialization
  • Quick speculation development corresponded in time with fast fare development, prompting fast GDP development.
  • This was related to basic changes in the piece of yield and business.
  • The procedure was additionally bolstered by a coordination of monetary approaches crosswise over areas and after some time.
  • Education rates and the future rose all over the place.
  • Enormous decrease in total neediness.

Unequal outcomes:

  • East Asia was the pioneer and South Asia was the slouch, with Southeast Asia in the center, while progress in West Asia didn’t coordinate its high-pay levels.
  • South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore joined the group of industrialized countries.
  • China grew stunningly after 1990.
  • The monetary dynamism of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand faded after the Asian money related emergency.
  • The development execution of India, Bangladesh, and Vietnam was generally great during the past 25 years (yet less social advancement).
  • In the examination, the exhibition of Sri Lanka was good, while that of Turkey was normal; yet that of Pakistan and the Philippines was generally poor.


  • Imbalance between individuals inside nations rose all over, while the hole between the most extravagant and least fortunate nations in Asia stays great.

Way forward:

  • The future will be formed halfway by how Asia abuses the chances and addresses the difficulties and mostly by how the present troublesome financial and political conjuncture on the planet unfurls.
  • By 2030, per capita salary in Asia, comparative with the world, will come back to its level in 1820.


  • It is conceivable to recommend that in around 2050, a century after the finish of pioneer rule, Asia will represent in excess of a portion of world pay and will be home to the greater part of the individuals on earth.

Connecting the dots:

  • The ascent of Asia speaks to the beginnings of a move in a critical position of monetary force on the planet and some disintegration in the political authority of the West. Dissect


Model questions: (You can now post your answers in the comment section)


  • Featured Comments and comments Up-voted by whataftercollege are the โ€œcorrect answersโ€.

Q.1)Delaram-Zaranj Highway sometimes seen in the news is located in which country?

  1. Myanmar
  2. Afghanistan
  3. Iran
  4. None of the above

Q.2)Border Road Organisation works under the overall guidance of which Union Ministry?

  1. Ministry of Home Affairs
  2. Ministry of Road Transport and Highways
  3. Ministry of Defence
  4. None of the above

Q.3)Consider the following statements

  1. National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB) is a statutory body established under Delhi Special Police Establishment Act, 1946
  2. NCRB data of 2017 shows that crime against women has declined in comparison to 2016

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. Neither 1 nor 2

Q.4)Consider the following statements

  1. Union governmentโ€™s ecological flow regulation mandates that hydropower project developers should ensure a minimum supply of water all through the year
  2. NITI Aayog has been tasked to ascertain actual flows and the amount of water present in the rivers

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. Neither 1 nor 2

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