Why What After College?

What After College is a popular website that provides information and resources to help students and young professionals navigate their careers and education.

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Why Guest Post?

Guest posting is a popular strategy bloggers, content creators, and website owners use to promote their brands, increase their online visibility, and build relationships with other bloggers in their niche.

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Protocols for guest posting

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I guest post?

Guest posting can help you reach a new audience, build your brand, drive traffic to your website, and improve your search engine rankings.

Can I include links in my guest post?

You can include relevant links in your guest post if they are not spammy. We secure the right to remove any links that we consider inappropriate.

How long should my guest post be?

We prefer guest posts to be between 1500 -2000 words in length. However, the size can vary depending on the topic and the quality of the content.

Why should I write a guest post for What After College?

You are writing a guest post for What After College can help you reach a wider audience of students and recent graduates who are interested in career development.

What After College Support

*All telephone calls will be recorded for training and quality purposes.
*If we are unavailable to attend to your call, it is deemed that we have your consent to contact you in response.